Republicans Want To Trump The Trump

Don’t you find it interesting that the RNC pressed Donald Trump until he signed the RNC loyalty pledge, which requires that he support the Republican nominee no matter who the nominee is; yet Republicans are not willing to reciprocate? Instead, they are refusing to allow him access to some of the same information that they are making available to other candidates.

At the same time, according to an article in The New York Times by Nicholas Confessore dated September 4, 2015, “Republican strategists and donors have assembled focus groups to test negative messages about Mr. Trump” and they are huddling in various small groups and strategizing on how to sabotage his campaign so that they can foil any chance that he might have at becoming the nominee himself.

They want to stop The Donald. They want to trump The Trump! Can you imagine that? What Republicans do not seem to realize is that there are Jokers in this deck, that in this game Jokers are wild and The Donald is holding both of them. With what they are doing to try to stop him could you blame him if – should he not become the nominee – he rips that RNC pledge that he signed into really tiny pieces, summons Reince Priebus to his office (again) and declares it null-and-void as he tosses those pieces into the air and lets them rain down on Mr. Priebus’ head?

It is glaringly obvious that the Republican Party wants The Donald gone but right now, they are totally baffled as to how to get him there. None of the key players wants to attack him directly because it could backfire on them, hurt the candidate that they are supporting and slingshot Mr. Trump even further ahead of the pack.

Even worse – whether successful or not, this frontal attack – where the responsible party or organization could be easily identified – could doom that party or organization as a viable support mechanism for any 2016 presidential candidate because they would have no cover at all to deny (lie) to those who support Mr. Trump that they had any part in trying to sabotage his campaign. The ability to deny complicity and deflect blame would be extremely important because, if they are successful at stopping Mr. Trump or should he simply falter at some point, their candidate would likely need those Trump supporter’s votes to help them become the nominee.

Right now, Republicans are quietly recruiting as many cohorts as they possibly can, including the media, to turn on The Donald and pummel him with everything that they’ve got. I have read articles that have condemned Mr. Trump as being a hypocrite for saying that those candidates who are supported by big money and PACs are nothing more than bought puppets.

One article that I read even implied that The Donald was basically trying to do to the media and some of the 2016 presidential candidates what he has accused big money and PACs of doing to those candidates; kind of in the same vein as, or like, what some people came to refer to as reverse discrimination. It’s the same thing, only different. It said; “Fans boast that Trump is so rich, he’ll never be beholden to anyone. Maybe. But just as important, who is beholden to him? Other Politicians? Members of the media? Insiders whisper that some media folks have received free memberships to Trump’s Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Largo. Such a gift doesn’t necessarily buy favorable coverage, but one wouldn’t be silly for thinking so.”

Oh, if only the media had – or just as important, would, pound on having big money and PACs removed from political elections with the same spirit and intensity with which some of these articles are now pounding on The Donald. Instead, decisions like Citizens United cruised in and were quickly forgotten as the media moved on to the next big political story. I know: we can’t dwell in the past and moneymaking sought after ‘news’ is by definition current events. Alas, we must move on.

But I, along with a myriad of other Americans have been longing for and admonishing our Washington politicians to find a way to remove big money from politics for years but to no avail. Those admonitions have fallen on deaf ears because too many politicians are afraid and loathe going against big money, which is synonymous with power.

But now that we have entered Trumpdome (The temporary age of Trump…hopefully only temporary) and big money is baffled because their plane loads of money can’t even buy them a toehold against The Donald, they want to cry into their morning cup of coffee and cry out, unfair! I would like to say that now they know how the everyday American feels and has felt for years but they have not yet even come close to that feeling.

They have barely received a sip of what they perceive as this unfair concoction and have immediately spat it out because of the awful and all but unbearably bitter taste that it left in their mouth… But, for whatever reason, they view it as alright when they do to everyday Americans what they allege that Mr. Trump is doing to them. Their thought process is puzzling.

Just like Mr. Trump has forced the Republican Party to talk about things that they previously never talked about and address issues that they have previously refused to address, perhaps he will be the catalyst that forces them to stop building facades of a Party tent that is bigger and more inclusive and actually build a real bigger and more inclusive Party tent. While Republicans complain about The Donald being the man who is destroying the GOP, he may ultimately turn out to be its savior.

Republicans complain that Mr. Trump is chasing African Americans, Latinos, immigrants and women away from the Republican Party but he is really chasing them away from the facades that it has built and continues to build. This will force the Republican Party to be genuine in their pursuit of these groups and ultimately, they might have to say thank you to Mr. Trump whether or not he becomes their nominee because he will have saved the Party from utter ruin. Win or lose – if that ever happens, as I have said before and will probably say many more times before The Donald leaves the 2016 Republican presidential candidate stage, can’t you just see that patented Trump smile?

If he loses, even if he didn’t verbalize it, no problem you bunch of losers, he would likely think! And if he wins…no problem you bunch of losers, he would likely think! That’s Trump for you.

Eulus Dennis