Politics Congress And Prosecutors

PCP: Politics, Congress and Prosecutors are not the well-known drug PCP, which makes people crazy when they indulge in it but they can make you just as crazy.  Just watching them function from the sideline as a regular citizen can give you a contact high!  They can prove to be the everyday American citizens’ Angel Dust; they drive you c-r-a-z-y!

Politicians, in particular the U.S. Congress, constantly complain about lazy people and welfare queens who don’t want to work and are seeking a free hand out from the government.  They say that these people should get a j-o-b because it would improve their self-esteem and help them to become contributing members to their communities and to American society overall.  They would become givers rather than takers, they say!

All the while that they are saying this they are busy shirking their responsibility and not doing their job.  A perfect example of this is their refusal to debate and hold a vote on the ISIS situation.  They want to pick and choose the parts of their responsibilities that they will fulfill.  They are like a bunch of children who want to do all of the easy and fun stuff but leave the hard and not-so-fun stuff to someone else.  And when that someone else does the not-so-fun stuff and the adults (constituents) complain because they do not like how it was done, the children are quick to point fingers and lay blame.

What a great example they are setting when it comes to work ethic; what a shining example of leadership they are to those who they are condemning!  What good does it do one to have a job if they refuse to do it?  The only difference between them and us, their political pawns, is that – if we had a job and conducted ourselves as they are conducting themselves, we would be fired immediately.

These politicians want to dictate the terms of their employment to the boss (their constituents/pawns) and whether the boss accepts them or not they still demand to be paid.  And since they are elected officials who cannot be fired until the next time that they are up for election, during the interim, what should we call their paychecks?  A payment for work that one does not earn, by any other name, is still a free hand out.

As for Prosecutors, they are politicians too.  And although they are not constantly calling out those who for reasons that likely are not under their control and therefore do not have a job so require help until they can get one, they also too often choose to shirk their responsibilities.  They hide behind grand juries unnecessarily so that they do not have to make the tough decisions.  Decisions like those related to Erick Garner, Michael Brown – and as it stands at this point, potentially Tamir Rice.  There are many other cases around the country where Prosecutors have elected to shirk there responsibility and allow grand juries to make decisions, many times manipulated (legally) by them to help assure the desired outcomes, because it was politically expedient for them to do so.

They dump these decisions on someone else (e.g. grand juries) but manipulate them into making the decisions that they want them to make.  They do this for political reasons just like Congress does.  Most of the time Prosecutors can get away with this because grand jury proceedings are always shrouded in secrecy and there is no real oversight of how grand juries are handled.  In other words, it seems reasonable to cast all politicians no matter their stripe into the same category.

Even if you have the anti-typical politician vaccine on hand – which consists of a mixture of knowing the kind of politician that you are dealing with, being on top of the political issues, knowing that politicians will be politicians and being wary that smoke and mirrors may surround every single word that they say, and you get immunized right away, that is no guarantee that this will save you and prevent you from being felled by political chicanery.

Most politicians are at least as smooth, if not more so, as the most personable criminal con-artist.  And if the anti-typical politician vaccine is successful in helping you to survive so that if you choose to do so you can continue to participate in politics, you now have latent schmoozer virus cells in your blood and so are more susceptible to contracting schmoozer disease of which typical politicians are hosts.  This means that even when politicians do all of the negative stuff mentioned above and more between their elections cycles, when it comes time for them to be reelected you will be more vulnerable than many other constituents so they will more likely be able to schmooze you.

Since they are hosts they can easily recognize this disease so you must be aware and fight the temptation to succumb to their B.S.  Then, when the time comes, make things right with your vote.  And always remember, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis