Congress Seems To Have Forgotten America

I do not know if you like watching nature shows that show a lot of National Geographic type stuff but I know that I do.  In the event that you do like watching that kind of stuff then you have likely seen the show that I am about to use as an example.  It goes as follows: There were these three male cheetahs that were following this female cheetah that was in heat.  They had been following her for days and when she would stop to rest they would keep their distance from her and, from time-to-time, they would fight with one another.  I suppose that it was to determine which one would be the alpha male that would eventually breed with her.

Whether or not this was the reason, one time when she stopped and they began fighting they did not notice that they were being watched by a pride of lions.  In the event that you are not aware of it, lions and cheetahs are natural enemies.  Anyway, these cheetahs – although they had strayed into lion territory, were so busy fighting with one another that they did not notice that some of the lions had decided to attack them and were openly approaching them.  To make a Long story short, the lions attacked these cheetahs.  While they attacked them, other lions in the pride simply watched what was happening without showing much interest.  As it relates to the example that I just gave you, it does not really matter whether one, all, or none of the cheetahs were either injured or killed.  What matters is that they were trespassing on territory on which they were keenly aware that they should not be trespassing and the lions let them know that in no uncertain terms.

If we were to juxtapose this example onto what is currently happening with Mr. Trump and his administration, Mr. Trump would be represented by the female cheetah, and his administration and his Republican congress enablers would be represented by the three male cheetahs that were eager to mate with her.  The American Constitution would be represented by the land that these cheetahs were trespassing on and those Americans who were active in protecting it would be represented by the lions that attacked these cheetahs for knowingly trespassing on their territory while exhibiting a clear and present intent to do harm.  And finally, the lions in the pride that were simply watching the attack occur would represent those Americans who were likely also concerned about the cheetahs unrightfully infringing on their territory but were not interested enough, at least at the time, to join in on the attack  because they were sure that the attacking lions would easily overpower these intruders; therefore, the outcome was already determined.

I openly acknowledge that this scenario slightly modifies a lion prides’ actual behavior but this modification  will help you to better get the gist of the point that I want to make.  And that point is that not just a few Americans should be concerned about how Mr. Trump and his administration are purposely obfuscating when it comes to the Constitution, that they are ignoring American norms, and that the Republican controlled congress is allowing them to do this unchallenged; but all Americans should be concerned!  Not only should they be concerned because countries that used to look to America for leadership are now laughing at us but they should be concerned because it appears that America is now modeling itself after countries that are led by despots and oligarchs.  How any American could witness this type of behavior by someone who occupies the Oval Office and a congress that is supposed to be representing its constituents and not be prompted to fight against it is mindboggling.  What has happened to us and what will become of us if we do not immediately come back to our senses and immediately begin to fight back?!

What kind of snake oil has Mr. Trump duped congress and the American people into drinking or what kind of voodoo powder has he released into the American drinking water system that would cause us to react in the way that far too many Americans are reacting?!  Thank goodness that the immune system of some of us has detected this virus and been able to fight against it!  Those members of Mr. Trump’s administration, the majority of those who work for him, and congress, seem to somehow have transformed themselves from human beings into some sort of machines that are simply a part of his system to the point where they have no comprehension as regards human needs or human suffering.  Even those people who have been highly respected and held in high esteem before being touched by Mr. Trump, after being touched by him, lose any dignity that they ever thought that they had; kind of like Speaker Paul Ryan.

Congress seems to have forgotten America as they pursue their own political aspirations and protect their party but that should demand that America does not forget them or Mr. Trump and his administration.  America must rise up in defense of our Constitution, regardless of party, and demand that all Americans and those within America’s borders respect it and abide by it.  We must not allow Mr. Trump or anyone else to purposely sow seeds of confusion where something that we hold so scared is concerned!  The way that we can assure that that demand is heard and respected is by way of the ballot box.

Mr. Trump has proven that he is an extremely strong, powerful, and dangerous man.  He has steadfastly ignored the Emoluments Clause and various long observed American norms that all other American presidents in modern history have held in high esteem and honored.  In referring to China’s advantage in the balance of trade with America, he said that China is ‘raping America’.  If he were to take an introspective view and make an assessment concerning the actions that he has taken since he has been in office, I wonder how he would describe what he is doing to America.  Mr. Trump has also proven that, for whatever reason, he has the ability to grate on, if not completely wear down, the will of many of the American people.  You must determine that you will not be one of those whose will he can wear down because he is counting on the fact (assumed fact/alternative fact?) that he can.  You must be and remain determined that you will not be a victim!  If you truly agree with what he is doing and the direction in which he is leading America then fine; but do not be a victim!

It is far past time for all American voters to step up and demand that those people that we elect to represent us actually represent us and do what they were elected to do.  It is especially important that we do that now to assure that the Constitution will not be ignored and that, as Americans, everyone knows that we will not sit by idly while our democracy is being threatened and is in danger of being weakened or destroyed.  Again, the best way to do this is through our vote.  So whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent always remember; your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line