Contemplate This

An article in Wired dated 2/14/2015 said that in less than two years a Smartphone could be our only computer.  What has this to do with politics?  Considering the recent discourse about Supercookies in mobile telephones, I thought the article would be worth a read in the event that you follow that kind of thing.

The title of the article in Wired is; ‘In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer.’  I posted a link to this article in the left menu on this website.  In the event that you have a problem locating the article, simply type its title into the search box at the top of the menu.

More On Verizon Supercookie

Are you comfortable with the tracking capabilities of the new 'Supercookie'?
Are you comfortable with the tracking capabilities of the new ‘Supercookie’?

Hello again young… and otherwise mobile telephone users.  Here is the latest on Verizon keeping up with you while you are busy keeping up with and enjoying the latest in cell phone technology.

It appears that a software company is continuing to track you even after you delete, or think you have deleted cookies that enable them to track you.  Are you surprised?  Does it even matter to you?  If it does matter…

It’s time for you to again think about whether or not you are comfortable with how technology is making you more vulnerable to tracking activities by third parties.  If you would like to read the full article you can find it in The New York Times.

I posted a link to the article in the left menu on this website.  In the event that you have trouble locating it, you can type the title “Verizon’s Mobile ‘Supercookies’ Seen as Threat to Privacy’ into your Internet search box.  The article was written by Natasha Singer and Brian X. Chen.  Happy reading.

Show Me The Money

Is our government system rigged in favor of big money?  Why does big money play such a key role in American elections?  Does it really matter that it does?  Does money, especially dark money, play a major role in who gets elected and who doesn’t?  Do those who contribute these large sums of money expect something in return for it; like a return on investment (ROI)?  Would that ROI skew things in favor of big money causing the system to be rigged?

No matter the answer there is a possible solution; let everyone contribute equally.  Here is the idea.  Let everyone contribute equally through their taxes.  Establish a reasonable dollar amount and take it from each taxpayer’s taxes.  Add this amount to their gross income before it is taxed and allow it to be used as a tax deduction the following year or use some other method (lawmakers figure out how to do this).  Then divide it equally among the political parties.

Bad idea?  Old idea that didn’t work warmed over?  Unworkable idea?  Stupid idea?  Unneeded idea because change is not needed? ‘Maybe’ is the answer to all of these questions except the last one; ‘unneeded idea because change is not needed.’  The answer to that one is ‘no.’

Maybe you have an idea.  Maybe it’s a great idea.  Maybe it’s just what our country needs…  Maybe you should tell your elected officials in Washington about it.

Eulus Dennis

Ferguson’s struggle; America’s challenge

It is not hard for me to understand why African-Americans are frustrated and angry about the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown case because, I too, am frustrated and angry.  There is always room for frustration and anger and a non-violent expression of it.

My opinion is that Officer Darren Wilson’s guilt or innocence should have been determined by a regular jury.   But I cannot allow the fact that this did not occur and he was exonerated by a mostly white grand jury to create an impossible-to-cross divide between me and every white person in the United States.  No other African-American can allow this to happen either because there are too many white Americans who feel our pain and who also long for equal justice under the law.

Eulus Dennis

Tight Races in Some States

U.S. congressmen always tell us that they are looking out for our best interest and the overall best interest of the state that they represent. Some of the things that are happening as we near the midterm elections probably make many of us question their sincerity.

This is not how it should be.
This is not how it should be.


If you like political fiction…



While you are busy keeping up with and enjoying the latest in cell phone technology, are you aware that the latest in cell phone technology is busy keeping up with you?

Are you comfortable with the tracking capabilities of the new 'Supercookie'?
Are you comfortable with the tracking capabilities of the new ‘supercookie’?

If you would like to read the full article in The Washington Post on how this technology is tracking you, you can find it in the left menu on our ‘Home’ page under the title ‘Verizon, AT&T are tracking their users with ‘supercookies.’  Click the title in the menu then click the link in the main content area of the window that opens; or search for the article by its title.  Using the exact full article title will help to assure the success of your search.



Political information that keeps you informed