Where Are The GOP Statesmen?

At a time when all of our elected – and former elected – officials should be circling the wagons, around the leader of the most powerful country in the world as they have regularly done in the past, they have deserted him. Why do these leaders hate President Obama so much?

This is the wrong thing for our leaders to do even if they feel that their reasons for loathing him are valid. Unfortunately, if you asked those who feel this way to explain why they harbor such visceral feelings for this President, most of them probably could not even begin to tell you why.  The saddest thing about the situation is that those statesmen in the Republican Party, who once commanded everyone’s respect whether they were friend or adversary, have become political puppets.

These difficult and divisive times surrounding our current situation with the Ebola crisis are challenging enough without any additional pressure; especially pressure that is manufactured by those who should be assisting in circling the wagons. What has happened to what used to be a proud Party with so much to offer to make our country better?  Where are all of the statesmen?  For too long already we have been losing legitimate meaningful conservative ideas to foolish politicians who want to do nothing more than obstruct or shut down the federal government.

It’s time for someone – anyone, who is a true statesman in the Republican Party to step up and at least make an effort to prevent those on the fringes from stealing the Party from true conservatives. Instead of going along with those who are fear mongering and openly using the Ebola crisis for political gain, accusing our President of providing poor leadership and bungling the handling of this critical situation, why won’t any Republican statesman step up and do the right thing?  Why won’t any of them lead by example instead of just pointing out what they say is a lack of leadership on his part and try to help calm the fears of the American people?  The fact that the 2014 midterm elections is just three days away is not a legitimate excuse to remain silent; it only serves to make those making these accusations look like hypocrites.

I refuse to believe or accept that all Republicans condone what is happening in their Party right now. But their silence is all but unbearable.  Allowing this to happen, unchallenged, in their Party around the country only provides fodder for the situation to eventually spiral completely out of control.  This problem demands the attention of courageous Republican statesmen.  If it is not addressed soon irreparable damage might be done and ultimately bring about a one Party political system which would be detrimental to all Americans.

Eulus Dennis

Tight Races in Some States

U.S. congressmen always tell us that they are looking out for our best interest and the overall best interest of the state that they represent. Some of the things that are happening as we near the midterm elections probably make many of us question their sincerity.


This is not how it should be.
This is not how it should be.

The race for Governorships and Senate seats is tight in a number of states around the country and some politicians are starting to let us see them sweat; not intentionally, of course. But under the circumstances they have not been able to disguise those unidentified droplets on their brows and neither have they been able to use the normal smoke and mirrors routine to distract us.  They are too busy fighting for their political life!

Things have become so hot that some of them are resorting to tactics that they only use in emergency situations. A good example of this is what is happening in Kentucky in the race between Republican Senator Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes.  According to a report by Jason Easley in Politicus USA, Grimes – who is the current Kentucky Secretary of State, “is calling for a federal investigation into voter intimidation tactics that are being used by Sen. Mitch McConnell in Kentucky.”  Stay tuned.

Eulus Dennis