Is law enforcement around the country struggling to obey the law that they are supposed to be enforcing? Have police officers, who have sworn to ‘serve and protect’ us, and their superiors completely lost their way? Have they become even worse criminals than those who they have berated and hauled off to jail – some of whom are sentenced to life in jail or death, because they are determined to protect their job or a color, which is police blue?
Well, based on what has been happening in police forces around America for far too long now the answer is yes. And I submit that the fact that they are sworn to serve and protect us does make those who violate that oath worse criminals than those whom they arrest if they themselves break the law. At least these criminals accept who they are even though they detest being caught. Crooked District Attorneys and cops pretend to be on the side of the law while doing the same things, or worse, that these criminals do.
I do not want to prejudge the police and District Attorney in Waller County Texas but with all of the strange things that are taking place surrounding the arrest and subsequent death of Ms. Sandra Bland it is hard not to at least be concerned about how law enforcement is handling the situation. What are we doing, America?! And what are all of the decent District Attorneys and cops around the country doing?! Cops obviously are not cowards or they would not be in such a dangerous job! So why are they allowing a few dirty cops to run their police forces?! I don’t get it! And as far as District Attorneys are concerned, I am trying hard to believe that there are less of them who are motivated more by their political ambitions than there are who are motivated by their desire to faithfully serve those whom they are sworn to serve. If I am being naive, I can only hope that I will learn the truth sooner than later.
The freighting thing is that the way that they are handling things in Waller County is not unlike how police departments and District Attorneys throughout the country have handled similar situations! America, wake up! District Attorneys, wake up! Clean police officers, wake up! Let all of us stop being closet cowards and address this problem! And it is a problem even if we do not want to face it!
If you do not think that it is a problem, take a look at the Eric Garner case, the Michael Brown case, the Tamir Rice case and now the Sandra Bland case. It is hard to believe the cops, specifically and law enforcement overall when we look at what is happening around America. The cops and law enforcement deserve to be believed only after that they have proven themselves worthy of being believed.
Look at the homeless woman who was arrested and is now facing a sentence of 25 years to life for picking up a LAPD baton and allegedly facing LAPD officers although she never did anything with it to threaten them. Compare that to how Ms. Sandra Bland, who subsequently died as a result of being pulled over for a minor traffic offence is being characterized in the media as a result of leaks from her autopsy report while the State Trooper who pulled her over, did not follow proper protocol and failed to document things in his report of the stop that might reflect negatively on him. Compare that to the Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice cases and reflect on how that makes you feel as an American about our justice system.
The feudal hierarchy system supposedly ended by the beginning of the 19th century as a result of many revolutions. However; if we look at what is happening right now in the United States of America, it is not hard to understand why many people, especially people of color and young people, still feel that we are living under a feudal system. The rich (the kings) still control everything and determine who will be in power and how the wealth will be distributed. The barons (just beneath the kings), lords (just beneath the barons) and vassals – who are the lowest class, fall in line accordingly. The vassals, which most of us are and who have the least amount of privileges, are at the bottom of the scale and can be treated as those above us see fit.
Unfortunately – in the feudal system, the barons and lords could treat those below them as they saw fit without fear of auspices of the king or fear of reprisal by him if for any reason they mistreated his servants (the vassals). To many Americans, that is exactly how things feel now. We need to correct this problem now! This might take some time but it can be done and I believe that most Americans will understand this and accept it. What I do not believe is that Americans, especially people of color and young people, will wait in perpetuity for this to happen; especially if their continues to be no signs of progress.
Eulus Dennis