Back in November 2016 according to an article in the New York Times entitled Congressional Republicans Project Unity While Democrats Scramble, Speaker Paul Ryan said; “Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government. This will be a government focused on turning President-elect Trump’s victory into real progress for the American people.” And during that same timeframe, in an article in Business Insider entitled PAUL RYAN: ‘Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government’, he said he wanted to ensure Republicans “hit the ground running.” At the time, Speaker Ryan could not hide his giddiness. In the video that I watched of him as he made this announcement, he actually seemed to have a glow about him.
Well, welcome to the dawn of your new unified Republican government and its real progress, Speaker Ryan. 11 months have passed since you made those statements and as you are certainly aware by now, Republicans did hit the ground running. The only problem is that they hit the ground running in the wrong direction. They are running backward. But you and the rest of the Republicans in the House and Senate seem to have decided that rather than work to correct the problem because it might be too hard to do with Mr. Trump in charge, you would dupe the public. And in order to successfully dupe the American people, you think that all that Republicans have to do as they run backward is to continue to face forward toward real time America and spin any current conversation about her, her future and America’s purported leaders and their leadership. It might be a bit tricky to run backward toward the past at full speed without turning around and facing that direction but no one can deny that you are giving it your best shot!
There is something terribly wrong in our country when those in government whom many Americans have long held in high esteem have completely forgotten what it means to be a statesman. They have lost their way! When politicians are afraid to speak out against Mr. Trump or any other politician because they are more afraid that if they do they will lose their job than they are that a foreign power is currently trying to destroy our democracy, it is chilling! Speaking out is a vital part of what they were elected to do, especially when it is obvious that our very democracy is being threatened! And they must be willing to speak out whether or not Mr. Trump is guilty of collusion in orchestrating that threat and even if he threatens to unleash his base and ‘beautiful twitter account’ against them if they do not support him.
When politicians are saying elect me so that I can step up and lead America forward and in the same breath saying that I cannot step up and lead America forward because, if I do, Mr. Trump will ensure that an opponent of his choice runs against me in the primaries and I will not be reelected is the ultimate oxymoron! Politicians who comport themselves in this manner are indeed ‘wise fools’ because they are embracing that contradiction in terms!” They do not deserve to be reelected because they are cowards and as such, do not deserve the honor of leading this great nation while pretending to represent us.
I hope that in the future we Americans will elect politicians who, unlike Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, when elected to positions of leadership by their peers will always place country ahead of party and their prospects of being reelected. This is not meant to say or imply that other members of congress are without guilt. They too, are complicit in the unabashed dismantling of America. It is heartbreaking to watch our nation being divided, having its word rendered worthless, torn apart and having its voters and other constituents treated as political pawns by Mr. Trump while those others who were elected to protect, serve and lead us stand by and watch as if they are helpless and without power.
The fact is that all of this is being done by Mr. Trump for political reasons that are supported explicitly or tacitly by those who control congress. Many of those in congress, and perhaps even Mr. Trump, may not believe that Russia is in any way involved with the current chaos in America. They may believe that what is happening in our country has nothing to do with treasonous intent or any scandalous behavior concerning Mr. Trump that is known by Russia and is being held over his head with a threat to drop it if he does not cooperate with them. Instead, they may truly believe that the current situation is simply a reaction to Mr. Trump’s effort at making tough change; change that he and they feel is badly needed.
Even if they somehow believe that change is the sole reason for all of America’s current chaos and pain it does not change the fact that the American people are becoming more divided with each passing day and there is no one who is in charge of pulling us back together. This lack of leadership only reinforces the walls of the void that serve as the reservoir for all the fodder of the anger, hatred, half-truths and political spin that is used to constantly increase the fiery gap of divisiveness in America. The longer that these walls are allowed to stand and be reinforced, the harder they will be to tear down.
We need a true leader in the White House and we need that person right now! And even if we get that person, we still need true leaders in congress to provide the necessary checks and balances to keep the executive branch of government on its toes and above board. Where are the voices of those congressmen who so eagerly regularly assured America that should Secretary Hillary Clinton become president they were ready, willing and able to continue to investigate her and keep her in line? Where are the voices of those people like Jason Chaffetz, Darrell Isa and Trey Gowdy who were among those who were more than willing to investigate Secretary Clinton, champion the clarion call of justice and keep even the slightest hint of a scandal that might involve her front and center? Where are those people?
Eulus Dennis – author, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line