‘The Republican Mad Triad’ (TRMT), which consists of Mr. Donald J. Trump, Attorney General William P. Barr and Senate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell (Mitch) McConnell Jr., has a nefarious game plan that it is working to perfection on the American people. These politicians are assisting Mr. Trump in moving America backwards as quickly as they can. And they are not alone in helping him. Almost every Republican in the United States congress is assisting him either directly or tacitly. And those congressmen are being led by Senator Lindsey Graham who appears to be one of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s key lieutenants.
The silence of the tacit toadies is deafening! Mr. Trump is boldly spouting the old familiar words of racist and white supremacists from many years gone by: his rhetoric sounds like words taken directly from a KKK rally. And the stench of those standing silently by and not challenging him is as bad, if not worse, than that of those human beings that Mr. Trump is having held in cages at America’s southern border in inhumane conditions! He is not providing them with soap or toothbrushes, he is not providing them with access to showers and some of them have been told to drink water from the toilet. Vice President Mike Pence continues to stand by Mr. Trump and support his position in the way that he is handling the situation at the southern border.
Mr. Trump knows exactly what he is doing and it seems that he has successfully lulled the American people to sleep. While the press continues to say that there is no way that Mr. Trump can be reelected with only the support of his base and not expanding that support to the broader electorate, they fail to take into consideration or mention the other things that he is doing to tip the 2020 election scale in his favor: things like gerrymandering, eliminating early voting, eliminating Sunday voting, the purge of voters from eligible voters records, states implementing new voting laws that have a disparate impact on people of color, intimidating potential voters, intimidating voters at the polls and more! They fail to give serious consideration to all of these things that he is doing in the way of voter suppression! They fail to consider what the combination of the support of his base and voter suppression can do; and this scenario does not even include the closet Trump voters who find much of what he says and does disgusting but like the affect that the things that result from his acts, no matter how disgusting, have on them. It is an “I am not that (I do not adhere to that and do not condone those things) but I like this” (the tax break, the trend of the economy, how the resulting outcome will effect white people and etc.) kind of thing.
Wake up America! Mr. Trump is telling Americans not to believe what they see and/or hear but to believe him. And many Americans are buying this load of crap that he is selling them although they know that he is a proven liar and conman. They are buying it because he has trampled on the press and worked to discredit it ever since he entered office and his tactic has worked. One need only to look at the countries with despots and strongmen where a small percentage of those in power control 90 percent of the population or more to realize that this is not something that is impossible. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with looking at things from the perspective of how is this going to affect me; we all do it! But at the same time that we look at “how is this going to affect me” we need to also look at what price is America and our fellow Americans going to have to pay for it and is it worth that price. America has always been that kind of a country and it still is even with a Mr. Donald J. Trump leading it. We Americans simply need to let him and his enablers know in no uncertain terms what we absolutely will not tolerate!
Mr. Trump recently attacked four U.S. congresswomen of color (a.k.a. “The Squad”) and in essence accused them of hating America and Israel and being un-American. After accusing them of this he told them that if they did not like it in America that they should go back to where they came from. Based on Mr. Trump’s rhetoric, he was not just addressing those four Democratic congresswomen but he was addressing all people of color. It just so happens that I am a person of color and I say who the hell is Mr. Trump to tell me to go back to where I came from as if this is his country and not mine too?! I am an American! I am just as much an American as he is! Perhaps he should go back to where he came from; that is, if where he came from would be willing to accept him after witnessing how he has been conducting himself as the Mr. Donald J. Trump of the United States of America!
Before I leave this subject, “The Squad” does not get off totally free here. I have a message for them as well. Mr. Trump did not attack you just by chance just as he did not defend Speaker Nancy Pelosi against you by chance. Mr. Trump is using you to foster tension, descent and internal problems to hurt Democrats and their 2020 election chances. He is using The Squad’s quarrel with Speaker Pelosi to promote himself and bolster his chances to be reelected. There is no doubt that The Squad deserves respect but you must also understand why all organizations have leaders, how leadership works, understand the proper protocol to resolve problems with the leader and you must respect the leader and their right to lead. You likely already know all of these things better than I do, but you need to do more than know them you must incorporate them into how you conduct yourselves. Because I have no doubt that someday in the future one of you will be the Speaker or even the Senate Majority Leader. I also have no doubt that somewhere along the way that there will be controversy on your watch and that you will want and even demand that members follow proper protocol.
With this in mind, you should resolve right now that you will not allow anyone in the TRMT to use you and the mandate that you have from your constituents to harm the Democratic Party and your chances to win the presidency, retain the House and win the Senate. With the way that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – the self proclaimed Grim Reaper, is packing the courts with conservative judges to Mr. Trump’s liking and blocking bipartisan legislation that Mr. Trump does not want to pass no matter how beneficial it would be to America, Democrats will need all of the leverage that they can get in order to set policies and pass legislation that will help America to heal. Senate Majority Leader McConnell obviously fully supports Mr. Trump and all of the things that he is doing and he says that The Mr. Trump of the United States of America is not a racist. Based on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition of racist, from my perspective, Mr. Trump could be the poster child for “racist.” I wonder what Majority Leader McConnell’s definition is for “racist.” A reporter should ask him that question. Of course if the Majority Leader’s response turned out to be not to Mr. Trump’s liking, we all know that he would call it “Fake News.”
Eulus Dennis – author, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line