My President And First Lady, My Pride, The Poem And My Disappointment

With all of the negative things fueled by politics that are raining down upon America and the world, it was nice to get some good news.  For Americans, gas prices are down, job numbers are better than predicted and President Biden signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act into law.  He also is poised to sign a bill into law that was passed strictly along partisan lines; The Inflation Reduction Act, which is really good news.  It is good news for me because I am a Democrat.  And I have no doubt that it is good news for almost everyone else who identifies as a Democrat.  I must admit though, it is not good news for everyone.

It was obviously bad news for all of the Washington senators because all of them voted against it.  Since it hasn’t passed in the House yet, I don’t know for sure how the Republicans in the House feel about it.  It is very likely though that they feel the same way that the Republican senators do because, lately, all of these Washington Republicans march in lockstep: The vote on the Inflation Reduction Act was a 50-50 tie in the senate and Vice President Kamala Harris had to break the tie with her vote.

Although all of the Washington Republican senators voted against this Act, I am of the opinion that there are a lot of Republicans out there who like it and – whether openly or privately, are glad that it got through the senate.  But the point of this article is not to point out definitively who is happy about what has transpired so far with The Inflation Reduction Act and who is p****d (a six-letter word for the three-letter word “angrily sad”) about it; instead, it is to point out that there is finally some good news and share with you how that good news affected me.

I imagine that all of you have your own experiences as to how it has affected you.  However, I have the good fortune of being able to share with you through this article exactly how it affected me.  It caused me to reflect on another president and how I felt about him and the then First Lady.  A president that our current president, President Joe Biden, passed through the political fires with as Vice President; my president and a man who filled all Black people with overwhelming pride.  President Barack Obama.  As I reflected on President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama back then, all of that overwhelming pride that I had compelled me to write a poem in tribute to him and something that I thought that I would never see in my lifetime; an African-American President of the United States of America.

Then came the disappointment.  After I completed that poem of which I was so proud I wanted to somehow get it to him and the First Lady so that they could feel through the words of that poem how exceedingly proud of them that I was.  I knew too that I was not the only Black person who felt this way because I had seen and heard innumerable other Black people on television express exactly what I was feeling.  I was disappointed because as hard as I tried, I was never able to get my poem to them.  But after all of this time, I am going to share it with you so that you can have the opportunity to perhaps experience what I felt when I saw all of those people on television – filled with pride, expressing exactly what I was feeing then.  I hope that you enjoy the poem.  It is entitled History In Black And White.  It follows:


History in Black and White

Who is this Barack Obama who keeps appearing on my TV                        Spouting words of change and hope in this beautiful land of the free?

It really would be a change if he wins despite the dissent                             You see, Barack Obama is running for President!

Now this may not sound much like change if your knowledge of history is slack                                                                                                                         But the fact of the matter in point, is this man Obama is Black!

He is truly African-American, as pure as African-American can be         So don’t be afraid to put a shout out that he can speak for you and for me

His father is a citizen of Africa and a true native in his own right             But his mother is a citizen of the USA, not only that but the woman is White!

So put a shout out to the White people too, this man’s knowledge is vast and not slim                                                                                                                    Not only can he represent us, but he can also represent them

His knowledge is not based on guessing, like guessing done by you and by me                                                                                                                                   Nor like the guessing done in John McCain’s camp though they’re truly trying to see

They are trying to see common interest, and common ground for those Black and White                                                                                                       But when John is matched against Obama, his candle cannot hold a light

He has not an African father; though his parents love him they are White                                                                                                                                            So he can’t truly know their concerns and ours though he tries with all of his might

There’s no doubt that McCain is a patriot and wants our country to grow despite drama                                                                                                             But the best way for him to assure that this happens is for him to vote for Obama

We have not even talked about Michelle, who is as sharp as a First Lady can be                                                                                                                                And although Mr. Obama is not yet elected, she is talked about worldwide on TV

They attack the comments she’s made, to shame Barack for the world to see                                                                                                                              They say a First Lady should be background stuff and not wise and outspoken like she

This woman is as sharp as a whip, must she pretend to be dumb and not wise                                                                                                                                       But for the President and the people of the USA she can be astute with nimble compromise

But now let’s get back to Obama who will be our next President            He will break that glass ceiling and enter that room that’s reserved for the establishment

He will surely be good for our country as we explore this new frontier                                                                                                                                           We will shed all labels but American people and conquer all doubt and all fear

Now pay attention Latinos and Native Americans and all others with the franchise true-blue                                                                                                      This poem is from a Black perspective and that’s why there was no shout out to you

But Mr. Obama needs your support also to lead our country and let her noble flag wave                                                                                                              Then he can assure we remain on task, the land of the free and the home of the brave

©Eulus Dennis 2008