M2: Street Cop To Top Cop Excerpt 2: For Your Reading Pleasure

We will get to “…For Your Reading Pleasure” but first, let’s get the politics out of the way:

Then, there was former Republican Representative Liz Cheney: A woman of principles and honor.  She was there long before the 2023 Republican primary whose first presidential debate occurred on Wednesday August 23, 2023.  FYI, Mr. Trump did not participate in this debate.

One could easily attribute this to the fact that he is extremely busy dealing with his lawyers and the four indictments that he is saddled with or that he is polling so far ahead of the rest of the pack that he felt that he did not need to be there to defend his position and “policies” (whatever that means)…  Except, he sat for an interview with former Fox employee Tucker Carlson that occurred at around the same time as the debate.  Besides, as if he needed any other incentive (excuse?) to avoid the debate, most of the Republicans there kowtowed to him and defended him anyway.

Former Representative Cheney gave this warning to her fellow Republicans long before this presidential debate.  “I say to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”  Nonetheless, all these Republican candidates have hitched their political wellbeing to Mr. Trump.  They have twisted themselves into political pretzels trying to defend him while at the same time saying that he is not fit for office and should not hold office.

Some of them have even made constitutional arguments stating that, based on the Constitution, he is banned from holding any office.  Yet, at all costs, they refuse to say that they will not vote for him if he is the Republican nominee.  Since Mr. Trump continues to lead in the polls by a large margin and will likely be the Republican nominee, they will likely be forced to reveal their choice on election day because today, August 24, 2023, Mr. Trump surrendered himself at the Fulton County jail and was booked, fingerprinted, and received a mugshot.

When Mr. Trump has figuratively consistently p***ed on these Republicans heads, told them that it was rain and demanded that they lay down their principles and honor to cover the pathway to prevent him from soiling his shoes because the pathway forward was drenched and muddy as a result, they obediently did so…  Then, there was former Republican Representative Liz Cheney: A woman of principles and honor.  She refused to surrender her principles and honor and as a result, she was booted from representing her Wyoming constituents in the Republican Party.

As for the rest of the Republican Party elected politicians I submit this question, how can you lead if you refuse to be a leader?!  You know exactly what I mean because, as professional politicians, you know that a leader must make the tough decisions long enough and consistently enough, using good judgement, so that their followers will trust them enough to follow them.

If you cannot readily and legitimately answer this question without twisting yourself into a political pretzel then you should know that you do not have a defensible position.  And you should also know, to borrow from a well-known idiom, that there is nothing else left for you or any reasonable Republicans to say except, how about that Grand Ole Party (GOP)?!  This will tell all of those who are listening that you know that you have no defensible position but that does not matter.  Consequently, this will also free you up to continue with your pretzel-making antics.

No one can reasonably justify what Mr. Trump has allegedly done and it is mindboggling that anyone, aside from Mr. Trump, is still trying to do so.  It is disheartening and hurtful, especially to reasonable Republicans who remember what the Republican Party once was and what it stood for, to see that most Republicans have chosen to be loyal to Mr. Trump rather than to the American democracy and the Constitution.

Unfortunately, in interview after interview of prospective Iowa voters by one of the major cable news stations, when they were asked who they would vote for when offered other viable candidates besides Mr. Trump; their response was always that they would vote for Mr. Trump.  Then, if he for some reason was not an available candidate, they would consider the viable alternative.  This seems beyond amazing but the polls taken at this same time showed that 51% of Republicans believe Mr. Trump.  They further showed that 62% of evangelicals believe him and 59% of those without college degrees believe him!  Wow!

Having provided that short political synopsis from my perspective, I hope that you got your political fill.  But before we leave all things Trump behind and move on to what will be for your reading pleasure, because I invoked her name, there must be some closure on Former Representative Liz Cheney.  The purpose of recognizing her as a woman of honor and principles is not meant to transform her into some kind of Republican Wonder Woman or Woman of Steel including cape and superpowers.  Instead, it is meant to point out in stark relief that not all politicians are about their political ambitions, power, and money.

It is meant to point out that Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney is like a welcomed breath of fresh air.  And finally, especially to our young voters who in the past have not bothered to vote because – in your mind – it does not matter anyway because politicians in general are corrupt and your vote will be meaningless, your vote does matter!  There are still myriad of Americans; Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are fighting so that you can keep your right to vote.  So that you can keep your ability to have input into who will govern this great country and choose the path forward for America!  You should join them.

And now, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop Excerpt 2: For Your Reading Pleasure.

Chapter 2

It was about 10:00 o’clock on Tuesday morning when M2 awoke to the sound of his ringing telephone.  Since Monday and Tuesday were his days off each week and he was out partying very late that Monday, he had decided to sleep in.  He propped himself up on one elbow and stared at the phone for awhile while contemplating whether he would answer it.  He decided that he would not.  After it stopped ringing he rolled to his back and laid there staring up at the ceiling.

He was not sure if he wanted to go back to sleep so he closed his eyes and breathed in very slowly and deeply to see if sleep would come to him.  Instead it seemed to want to play a game of hide-and-seek and, mentally, this felt like the equivalent of being caught in a vacuum.  It was just emptiness, a void or virtual no-man’s-land.  Suddenly, he opened his eyes, popped out of bed and headed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.

He quickly washed up while the coffee was brewing and prepared a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast.  The breakfast and two cups of black coffee energized him so he decided to jump into the shower before deciding exactly what to do with his day.

His telephone rang again.  By this time it was about noon.  He was fully prepared to begin his day and had not yet determined what he was going to do with it so he answered the phone.  “Hello.”  It was one of his chippies.  Chippie was the word that cops used to refer to a promiscuous woman that they used for their enjoyment whenever they felt moved to do so.  These women seemed to love the uniform and power that it represented and would do almost anything to be with the policemen who wore them.

“Hello, M2; what are you doing”, she asked in a slow, sensuous and suggestive voice?  Although she did not know it, she had just solved M2’s problem.  He no longer had to figure out what he would do with his day.

“Nothing right now but I hope to be doing you very shortly.”

“You know where I live and you know how to get here,” she said.  Before he could respond, he heard a dial tone.

The thought of spending time with chippie 6, her given name was Veronica but M2 had given all of his chippies numbers based on the order in which he met them, completely turned him on so he quickly hung up the phone and was out of the door.  He lived on the 12th floor of a luxury apartment complex in downtown Denver that had an underground parking garage so he pressed the down arrow and impatiently waited for the elevator to arrive.  When the doors opened he quickly stepped inside and pressed the “G1” button.

M2 slid under the wheel of his 2013 BMW M6 convertible and started it.  When the engine roared to life he felt a tingling in his body that made him feel like he and this perfect machine were as one.  It was a beautiful Red Metallic and all of its lines were perfect.  He would have been hard pressed not to feel this oneness with this perfect automobile with its perfect lines because many of his friends and acquaintances, especially the women, had told him on numerous occasions that he and his automobile were a perfect match.

M2 was constantly at the gym and was in excellent physical condition.  He was perfectly sculpted and knew it.  Hidden somewhere not so deep down inside he totally agreed with all of those who heaped praise on him so oftentimes had to work hard not to appear self-centered by reveling in their attention to him rather than humbly acknowledging it.

M2 rang the bell at Veronica’s apartment.  She held the door open and stood behind it shielding herself from him.  He stepped inside and she closed the door behind him.  She was dressed in red satin pajamas and wore a matching robe with them.

Veronica was a very attractive plus-size woman.  She was about five foot seven inches tall, had shoulder-length auburn hair – which most of the time was covered by different wigs of various lengths and colors, beautiful facial features, and a nice body.  Every time that M2 had seen her she always appeared alluring if not totally irresistible.

“You look like you like what you see, she said.”

M2 smiled and responded, “I do.”  Then he laughed and said, “make sure that you keep those words in the right context.”

Veronica sauntered over to him, pressed her body hard against his, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a deep and passionate kiss.  After the kiss she stared up into his eyes and said in the same sensuous tone that she used when she had spoken to him earlier on the phone, “don’t worry M2, I’m well aware that if you even think that I have ‘I do’ on the brain you will run as fast and as far away from me as you can.”  Then she turned and walked over to the couch and sat down.  And with the honed skill of the manipulative woman that she was, again sultrily stared into his eyes.

M2 did not say a word.  He just smiled, walked over and sat down on the couch beside her.  What a manipulative self-centered bitch, he thought.  I am going to have to be very careful with her.  She is too much like me…that’s scary.

Veronica snuggled close to him.  “Let’s watch an old movie,” she said.  How about ‘The Big Easy’?

M2 knew that this actually meant “we are going to watch The Big Easy.”  This was a movie about a womanizing cop in New Orleans who loved beautiful women and using his power as a cop in any way that he desired, including to lure those beautiful women into his web.  This movie fit Veronica’s method of operation perfectly.  She chose this movie for a reason.  That’s the kind of thing that I would do…and again he thought, it’s scary.  “Okay,” he said.

After they watched the movie they had sex: first on the couch and then in the bed.  After a number of rounds of passionate and exhausting sex Veronica suggested that they order Chinese food.  M2 was all-in for that.  He loved Chinese food.  That’s what I would have ordered after arduous sex…and for the third time that night he found himself thinking, it’s scary.

It was after midnight by the time that M2 got home from his day with VeronicaAs he reflected on the time he had spent with her he thought, I still feel slightly fatigued after “The Big Easy”  and the big easy – the latter big easy was in reference to Veronica.  As he headed to the kitchen to get a bottle of apple juice, he laughed and said aloud, I shouldn’t think like that.

He plopped down on the sofa when he returned from the kitchen with his apple juice and turned on the TV.  He began flipping aimlessly through the channels in an effort to find something, anything, that might hold his interest because he was not in the mood to go to bed.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line