One Man, Without An Army, Declared War On America. And So Far, He Is Winning

Donald J. Trump, the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America – figuratively speaking, has declared war on America.  With the way that he has so adroitly manipulated the United States justice system into twisting itself into a complex, judicial pretzel and tying itself into knots is, well, amazing!  As of the writing of this article, he has successfully prevented three of the four cases against him from moving forward as scheduled without knowing when the current proceedings will continue or the scheduling of a new trial date.

But since Trump is the king of chaos and thrives in it, he is likely not so amazed by what he has done and is surprised and bemused as to why all the rest of America is so shocked by this feat.  Most of the mainstream media are saying things like although it is important that Trump is found innocent or guilty in one or more of the four cases he is faced with before Election Day in 2024, the courts do not run on political time.  It is no surprise that they and practically the entire federal government are putting a positive spin on things.

However, knowing whether Trump is a convicted felon before Election Day could be crucial in determining the election outcome.  Many Americans who at this point say that they will vote for him say they will not vote for him if he is convicted.  Based on what Trump has done and what he is saying that he will do if he is elected in 2024, it is arguable that he has not just figuratively but literally declared war on America.  He is an existential threat to the American democracy.

Trump is unlike any other man, in a negative way, that has held the title of the highest office in the land; President of the United States of America.  Trump has an affinity for all the strongmen in the world – especially the more powerful among them – and he seems to bask in his own erosive impact on the American democracy.  No, there are no tanks rolling down American streets followed by numerous American soldiers preparing to assure that his will shall be done in every part of the country…yet.

Although he regularly employs divisiveness, fear, hate, racism, and misogynistic language in his speechmaking, most of what he is doing to get elected as president again – though despicable, seems legal.  I say “seems legal” rather than “is legal” because I am not a lawyer and am simply expressing my opinion.  It is reasonable to say that Trump has already taken control of the Republican Party, is the leader and face of it and has turned them into the anti-democracy party.  They have become oblivious to political norms in governance and have basically refused to govern.

These lawmakers have abandoned their duty to fulfill their oath of office and have elected to follow Trump rather than do the business of the American people.  Trump has mesmerized all these Republican elected officials in Washington and around America and a large swath of Americans throughout the country.  Who is this person that has dubbed himself “the chosen one” and “perhaps the most honest person that God has ever created?”  Who is he, really?  The answer is painfully obvious since he has already shown everyone who he really is.  Everyone just has to believe him!

But the Republican elected officials and that “large swath” of Americans throughout the country do not believe him.  This is obvious because they have circled the wagons around him even though he has broken every American political norm, has flagrantly attacked the American democracy and continues to do so.  They look upon this as political baggage that is part-and-parcel to a means to an end and, therefore, must be acceptable.

I oftentimes hear in the media that what these Republican elected officials are doing is “good politics.”  Can watching America implode upon herself be good politics?!  Would someone in this media please define “politics” for the rest of America and explain to us what “good politics is?!  Can it really be distorting the truth, accepting all lies, and normalizing these things as long as they are coming from a politician and benefits them and/or their Party politically?!

American voters are exhausted and Trump and his sycophants know it.  They are waiting for these voters to admit defeat and just quit.  He and his sycophants are confident that voters will do this so they are emboldened.  They are saying all the despicable things out loud that the Trump-led Republican Party stands for.  It does not matter that many of these elected Republicans may be good American officials who just want to hold on to power at all cost with the intention of reverting to true conservativism when the time is right and then working to govern and make fair and reasonable change when that time is right.

It does not matter that many people among this large swath of Americans throughout the country may have this same kind of good intentions.  What truly matters is whether these “good American officials” and “large swath” of Americans throughout the country are for or against the American democracy.  If those in either of these two groups are against democracy then those Americans who are for democracy must be against them.

Trump, even without an army, has proven that he is a formidable adversary.  And he is an adversary if he is against the American democracy.  And if he is against democracy then he – like any of those in the previously mentioned two groups who are against democracy, must be held to account for that position.  And those Americans who are for democracy must be against him and resist him with every non-violent, legal weapon available to them.  American voters must not grow weary and quit.

Instead, they must be determined to see the 2024 election cycle through until the end.  They must refuse to quit and work even harder to defeat Trump, his sycophants and all of those who want America to become something other than the democracy that she is now.  And for those who believe, like Trump, that he is the better choice between President Joe Biden and himself, should he become the Republican nominee, and that it would be good to have a strongman run America; I implore you to educate yourself on the situation and not just via Fox News and only other conservative media.

The American democracy is at stake and will be on the 2024 ballot.  With so much at stake it is imperative that all voters expand their horizons and go beyond their normal methods of how they approach and consume news.  They must educate themselves to the greatest extent possible on the issues and political situation before they cast their ballot.  It is crucial that in 2024 they make their decision on who will be the United States president based on facts and not soundbites or the “D” or “R” that precedes the candidates’ name.

So always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube, and Living Between The Line