They Call It Stormy Monday: Opening Statements In Trump Hush Money Trial

Finally!  Teflon Don will be held to account!  This does not necessarily mean that he will be found guilty of anything; as a matter of fact, he might be exonerated and the judge will tell him that he is free to go.  But regardless of whether he is found innocent or guilty of the charges that arose out of his alleged sexual relationship with porn star Stormy Daniels, he will have been held to account.  I can’t recall a single time that Donald J. Trump has been held accountable for anything that he has done.  That is the problem!  And that is also why he dared America to even try to hold him to account for any of the 91 counts and four cases that he is currently facing.  Obviously, his challenge has finally been accepted.

You see, it does not matter what you, I, or anyone else might think about Donald Trump or what we believe that he has done but it will matter what the 12 jurors in his Hush Money trial believe.  It matters what these Jurors believe because not only will they have the opportunity to hear testimony from witnesses who are under oath but they will also have access to all the corroborating evidence that supports the testimony of these witnesses.  Corroborating evidence can go either way; it can go toward supporting Trump’s innocence or his guilt.  Most important of all, these 12 jurors’ decision will carry weight.  Once they decide Trump’s innocence or guilt – unlike what you or I or anyone else might think, to no avail, about Trump and what we think that he has done and should be punished for; the presiding judge will use these jurors’ collective belief of Trump’s innocence or guilt to set him free or punish him.

Trump has been under a gag order leading up to and during this trial.  However, just like he has done before, he has boldly said things that either violate this gag order or tread extremely close to violating it.  The judge will soon determine which of these things is true.  If it is the former, it is reasonable to believe that the judge will punish him for it.  It is doubtful that this punishment will involve jail time but that is among the available options to the judge.  After the opening statements of the trial today, Trump continued his antics and did not appear concerned about the gag order or any less inclined to test the judges resolve.  The trial will continue tomorrow beginning with a hearing on the previously mentioned gag order.

Judge Juan Merchan has already admonished Trump’s lawyers to control their client after Trump looked toward the jury and angrily mumbled some things under his breath.  Two jurors that had already been selected later requested to be excused; one because she felt intimidated and the other because he said that he could not be fair.  Judge Merchan has also instructed Trump directly to sit down when he stood up and proceeded to leave before court was formally ended for the day.  Despite all of this, Donald Trump continues to conduct himself as he always has.  He appears to have no respect for the judge or jury and this does not bode well for him with either one.  It remains likely that Trump will continue to be Trump throughout this trial.  But if he is found guilty, maybe things will change.  We just must wait and see.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line