Supreme Court Conservative Politicians In Black Robes Seek To Crown Trump King Of America


In the 2024 presidential election…

Like your life depends upon it…

It does!

Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) of America Justices are just politicians in black robes.  And now, the conservative (Republican) justices are fighting to crown Trump King of America.  It is reasonable to believe that these politicians are pulling for him to win the 2024 presidential election because they just ruled in his favor in Trump v. United States: They granted him complete immunity for all acts that he took while he was president.  Oh sure, in the 119 pages of the ruling, written by SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court said a lot of mumbo jumbo about official acts, unofficial acts, absolute immunity, and presumptive immunity but they did not define or in any way clarify what these things were.

Instead, they left that up to Judge Tanya Chutkan who is handling Trump’s trial in a lower court.  And upon appeal, which is more likely than not to happen, after Judge Chutkan makes her ruling, the decision will end up right back in the Supreme Court.  That way, based upon the fact that they ruled as they did in the first place on presidential immunity, it is reasonable to believe that they will define and clarify things in Trump’s favor.  Then in the future, depending on whether there is a Democrat or a Republican president, it is reasonable to assume that they will continue in that vein: They will rule one way if it is a Democrat and another way if it is a Republican.

If Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, this SCOTUS ruling along with the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 (a.k.a. The Presidential Transition Project) document will give Trump all of the authority that he needs to rule like a king, have a roadmap to eradicate democracy as we now know it and implement the changes listed in Project 2025, and continue to avoid being held to account for any wrong that he has done just as he has always done throughout his whole life.  Even if he loses the election and does not become king, he will still likely be cleared of any crimes, civil or criminal, that he committed while he was president if information from “official acts” (a key piece of the SCOTUS mumbo jumbo) was used to indict/convict him.

Further, he is likely to be cleared of any crimes – again, civil or criminal, he committed before he held office if information from “official acts” while he was in office was used to indict/convict him.  So, you see, the chameleon act by the SCOTUS is no longer in play.  It is all in; it is very carefully concealing its hand.  And it is daring the American people to call.  If the American people do call, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be the evidence of whether the SCOTUS was bluffing or held a winning hand.  In other words, if President Biden is reelected, the SCOTUS was bluffing; if Trump wins, they had a winning hand.  So, if the American people do not call and the SCOTUS is holding a winning hand, the only difference will be that accepting the outcome might be a little less painful: but the results will be the same.

I cannot overstate how important it is for all American voters to get out and vote in the 2024 presidential election.  You must get out and vote like your life depends on it; because it does!  Do not sit this one out because you do not like either candidate, think that both are too old to be president, or for any other reason.  And when you do get out and vote, do not write in the name of a candidate since you know that this candidate cannot win.  You are not helping the situation and to do that is tantamount to sitting out the election.  Do not make excuses as to why you are not going to vote.  The 2024 presidential election is a binary decision; either you want America to remain a democracy or you do not.  Make a decision, not excuses.  VOTE!  And always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

The Debate Between President Biden And The Convict Is Over

The debate between President Joe Biden and the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America is over.  And I will start by saying President Joe Biden is still the man who should run against Trump in the 2024 presidential election.  In case you might think that how I addressed Trump in the title of this article is harsh, it is no worse than how major newspapers addressed President Biden.  Look at the headlines about President Biden in most of the major newspapers in America and around the world immediately after the debate then see if you still feel the same way.

Just so that you will know, if you did not watch the debate; during most of the debate, one of the hosts addressed both convict Trump and President Biden as President.  No deference, distinction, esteem, dignity, or honor – choose any one of these words that you would like, was granted to President Joe Biden for the distinguished job that he has done as president under extremely polarized partisan political circumstances and that of a convict who has been convicted on 34 felony counts and is awaiting charges in future trials that he has managed to avoid until after the 2024 presidential election.

Journalists who once supported President Biden turned their backs on him and completely slammed him based on one 90-minute broadcast!  They showered him with blistering comments about his debate performance before encouraging him to drop out of the race!  Many Democrats also jumped on the bandwagon.  They said things like, although President Biden has been a good president, perhaps it is time for him to go and that it would be selfish of him not to drop out.  I have always admonished those who read this blog to base their voting decisions on a politician’s record and not on a soundbite.  Perhaps I should add “broadcast” and say that those decisions should be based on a politician’s record and not “a soundbite or one 90-minute broadcast.”  Perhaps the journalist of those major newspapers would benefit from the advice offered in this humble blog.

To contextualize those headlines and comments so that you will better understand just how completely harsh they were, consider this; President Biden was debating a person to whom the word truth is just a conjured-up word that does not actually exist.  The truth is what I say it is could easily be his mantra.  Again, no deference, esteem, honor, dignity, distinction, etc. was granted to President Biden as the President of the United States of America over a convict and serial liar who has been convicted on 34 felony counts and was awaiting a July 11, 2024 sentencing, which has been delayed until September 18, 2024 thanks to “[his] judges” at the Supreme Court.  There was no semblance of respect for the office that President Biden holds in which he has served with dignity and honor over his opponent who, arguably, instigated the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the United States capitol in an effort to remain in power after he lost the 2020 election.  While President Biden debated within the boundaries of truth, Trump, oblivious of those boundaries, spewed pablum – saying whatever came to his mind, mostly lies, to rebut the president and gaslight debate viewers.

Republicans say that Democrats do not fight for what they believe in.  Democrats went a long way in providing some validity to this after the debate.  What do I mean by this?  Donald Trump has said so many derogatory things about women, immigrants, fallen soldiers, and people of color, that I will not even try to list them all.  But to name a few, he said 1) You can grab women by their p***y…” 2) [Mexican immigrants] are bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume are good people.” 3) Fallen soldiers are “suckers” and “losers.”  4) Regarding people who are crossing America’s southern border: They’re taking Black Jobs.  They’re taking Hispanic jobs. 5) Black people like me because of my mug shot.  Plus, lest American voters should forget, Trump is a convict!  Despite all of this, Republicans have circled the wagons around him.

Now, contrast this with the kind of support that President Biden is receiving from Democrats.  President Biden has done a yeoman’s job since he has been in office of carrying out the Democrats agenda even with a slim majority in the senate and a Republican controlled House.  He has always been looked upon as a patriot and a person of honor.  His dedication to serving America with dignity and honor has never been questioned: His determination to protect America against all enemies foreign and domestic, preserve democracy in America and foster democracy around the world has never been questioned.  Recently, President Biden participated in a debate with Trump and, based on the optics – emphasis on optics because a debate between two people with only one being bound by the parameters of truth is fundamentally not a debate, failed.  No consideration was shown President Biden for having been bound by the parameters of truth while Trump was free to say whatever came to mind without the slightest regard for truth.  What did Democrats do?  Did they circle the wagons around President Biden?  No, they cut bait and ran!

Many Democrats now want to run someone else against Trump; they do not know who and do not seem to be concerned about whether the system within which Democratic nominees must operate is set up to handle this kind of a situation, especially at the last minute.  I started this article by saying that President Biden is still the man who should run against Trump.  I will end it by saying that Democrats need to work with President Biden and figure out a path forward without him withdrawing from the race.  I have said before that the cavalry is not coming to save the American people from Donald J. Trump, this one is on us and we must save ourselves: and we must do it through our vote.  After the Supreme Court’s 7/1/2024 presidential immunity ruling, this is our only option.

So always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line