Did The Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) Shrug?


In the 2024 presidential election…

Like your life depends upon it…

It does!

SCOTUS shrugged: or did it?  Did the Supreme Court Of The United States shrug under the weight of Trump, his sycophants, and his “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement when, in essence, presented with the question; will the American people be willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary and fight for as long as it takes to preserve the American democracy?  Or did they, after being bolstered by the seating of the three new hand-picked Trump justices to the SCOTUS, just say no?  It seems fair to refer to these justices this way based on how Trump has bragged on them and referred to them as “my judges” and how the SCOTUS has made tectonic anti- stare decisis decisions, along partisan lines, since their appointment which seem to be based on nothing other than the supermajority established by their appointment.

Did the Supreme Court Justices make these decisions based on their personal feelings as to how they feel the country should be run rather than on the existing law of the land?  If not, why else would they make these kinds of decisions lightly without seriously considering, respecting, and honoring stare decisis; something that each of them emphatically claimed to deem of extreme importance in any decision to change proven, longstanding laws?  The SCOTUS has made no effort to help the American people to understand why they have made these decisions.  Instead, they have continued to make head scratching decisions that have raised the eyebrows of legal experts and the American people at large.  Yet, in their arrogance, they say that no other branch of government has the right or power to monitor them and continue to insist on monitoring themselves as regards their ethics and decisions.

As of the posting of this article, the 2024 presidential election is only 65 days away.  According to the polls, Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump are running neck-and-neck.  It is mindboggling that this is the case since Trump has so many things going against him.  He continues to fight to prevent any of the cases against him from going to trial before the election.  And so far, he is winning.  Much of his success can be attributed to the SCOTUS, whose supermajority seems to be pulling for him to be reelected, for slow-walking his appeal before ruling in his favor on “presidential immunity.”  Trump’s campaign is a mess, his running mate – J. D. Vance keeps digging the hole that he is already in deeper with his constant gaffs, and Trump, well, he continues to be Trump.  He is still lying, saying outlandish things, and he is even still breaking the law; e.g., his photo op at Arlington cemetery’s Section 60.

None of this outlandish talk and conduct should come as a surprise to the American people because of what Trump and all his sycophants have become; they’re just weird.  And this would be funny if the stakes were not so high.  Our democracy is at stake!  So, we all must stay focused and remember that their being weird does not make them any less dangerous!  As Kamala Harris – for the people says at many of her rallies, “we still have a lot of hard work to do!  But hard work is good work!”  And as working-class people, we know what hard work is.  And each of us takes pride in doing that work because we know who we are and we know that together with all middleclass people we are the backbone of America!

So, forget about what the polls are saying, whether they reflect positively or negatively for us and let’s get to work, work hard, and continue to work hard until we put Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz in the White House…and keep Trump out of serving in the government in any capacity in perpetuity; especially the White House.  The way to do this is with our vote.  So, always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube, and Living Between The Line