Category Archives: Federal Politics

Most Of The Big Deals Are Done But The Battles Will Continue In Perpetuity

I was really angry with President Obama about the TPP and so I was very happy when Senator Elizabeth Warren, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Sherrod Brown and Senator Bernie Sanders stepped up and expressed the trepidation that many Americans hold regarding this agreement.  It is hard not to be concerned when such extreme incongruity is involved in the makeshift team that evolved to support passing it.  Although the TPP has been signed into law, it still has hurdles to scale if it is to be effective as the president anticipates that it will.

Although the previously mentioned politicians have backed off and are not applying as much pressure on the president as they were initially, they have signaled that they are in strong support of the everyday American and will stand with them against giving big business free reign and allowing it to run amok.  The president continues to insist that to allow big business to run amok was never his intention, that he has always stood for the people and that what he is attempting to do is in our overall best interest and will increase the size of America’s world trade footprint.

I’m not always sure how to label myself as a Democrat with all of the labels like Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Progressive, Blue Dog and any of the other new labels that might be available but what I am sure of is that I was real mad at my president for teaming up with the folks that he teamed up with in an effort to pass this deal.  I, for one, think that it would be mighty hard to trust someone who has hated me with a passion for my entire life then all of a sudden they want me to believe that they are madly in love with me.  I would not be able to trust them.  That’s the way that I feel about people like Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker John Boehner and Representative Paul Ryan.  And with big business in the mix, we all know that they are always about the money; first, last and in between.

Anyway, President Obama has done a lot of good things for all Americans since he was elected and, although I was upset with him about the TPP – I still am, a little bit – he is still my president.  And whenever it comes to circling the wagons and hunkering down against an all-out assault by the adversary and ultimately entering the trenches, I will be in the trenches with him; we can argue about the stuff that we disagree on at another time.  That is the position that I believe that Senator Warren, Minority Leader Pelosi, Senator Brown and Senator Sanders have now taken.  To state the obvious, I support that.

Besides, not only do I believe that he has already done great things for the average American and will continue to make every effort to continue to do so, you have to admit that he has a charming and disarming personality: you can’t stay mad at him for very long.  I will bet that even when the FLOTUS gets mad with him; and I have no doubt that she does, she probably can’t stay mad very long either.

There are still battles going on that the president is faithfully fighting that he needs us to support him on even if at this point it can only be moral support.  I read recently where the Texas Attorney General told county clerks that they can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite the Supreme Court’s ruling on this issue.  I also watched media coverage where a number of Republicans, including some who intend to run for President in 2016, are encouraging Americans to break the law by ignoring the ruling.

It is somewhat disconcerting when elected officials even allow it to appear that they are instigating citizens to break the law because they themselves are so defiant and angry because of the decision that was rendered.  Ironically, many of those who are suggesting that people ignore the Supreme Court’s ruling are the same Washington lawmakers who have incessantly and with fervent indignation called President Obama a lawless president.  Of course – under the circumstances, they feel that they are neither lawless nor are they breaking the law but instead they are defending it; because now it is the Supreme Court that is lawless.

There are some decisions that have recently been decided by the Supreme Court that went against the administration, there are still decisions that remain to be decided and there are some cases that the Court has agreed to accept that could have a profound impact on civil and human rights.  All of us must remain vigilant and be prepared to continue to fight for those things that are just and right.  We must continue to monitor all of our politicians, especially those who have become so focused on playing politics that they have lost their way.  And anytime that it is necessary we must spring into action so that our elected officials will know that we have not fallen asleep at the controls.

I have said it before but it is worth repeating here, this is the way that a democracy should be.  We should always allow for discourse on issues and laws that the American people disagree with.  These things should be debated and resolved whenever the need arises.

The important thing is that no matter our political affiliation or which side of these issues that we come down on we should always participate in the democratic process.  We should always work to make our voices heard and always vote.  Remember, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis

Change worth fighting for…beyond our last breath

The stench of racism, hatred, death, fear and weak-kneed politicians is in the air.  We must breathe and so we do.  But when we do breathe, we breathe in all of this rancid stuff and so must determine whether we will retain all or some of these shameful elements.

But it does us no good to determine whether we will retain all, none, or some of them if we have no filter under our control with which to separate and segregate each one.  Once we have done that, we can open the drain valve to those chambers that we want to empty and keep the valves closed on those chambers that contain the things that we want to hold on to or that we simply find too hard to let go of.

Then – when our democratic duty demands it, we can recycle those things that, for whatever reason, we have retained and have reasonable discourse with those who have a different perspective of them and are not likeminded cohorts of the rationale and/or ideals that they embody for us.  This is the way that a democratic society, with all of its flaws, functions; or, at least, it should function this way.

In order for it to even stand a reasonable chance of functioning as it should it must be led by its elected officials.  Herein lies the problem: instead of having strong leaders in place in Washington, we have far too many weak-kneed politicians to whom the word lead is more like kryptonite to their bodies rather than a fire burning in their gut to fulfill their oath and make America the best that she can possibly be.

When challenges arise, they run to the nearest corner seeking a place to hide until things calm down politically.  Then when things do calm down, they slowly and cautiously emerge while making sure that when they do they are in full pander mode.  Just because they say that “this is the way that this town (Washington) is” does not mean that we as voters have to accept this cowardly approach to how they serve their constituencies.

I would not go so far as to say that we are just as much to blame as they are but without doubt we share the blame because we have the ability to do something about how these politicians conduct themselves and yet too many of us do nothing.  We do nothing by way of our failure to register and vote.  If we get registered and regularly vote we can apply pressure to those politicians who we elected to represent us but who instead have become no more than professional panderers.

It is likely that all of us harbor some or all of those things that I mentioned at the opening of this article.  And as members of this democracy we must be willing to hold reasonable discussions about them and make an effort to fix what is broken.  Our elected officials in Washington and at the local and state levels should be initiating and leading these discussions.  We must demand that they do this and hold them accountable if they refuse to step up to the challenge.

The slaughter of the nine innocent people that recently took place while they worshiped in a church in Charleston, South Carolina is completely unacceptable in a civilized society.  This same kind of thing has happened far too many times before and each time, we have simply winked at them.  Although there has been a great outcry from a large majority of Americans regarding these incidents, politicians have played politics, sidestepped the challenge and fallen back on the same old worn out “that’s the way this town is” excuse.  And, as always, we buy into it and allow them to shirk their responsibility.

Enough already!  No excuse exists for politicians and the rest of America to refuse to act now to address this problem.  The sad and unfortunate thing is that this is not going to happen…at least not now.  There will probably be a lot of publicity for a long time about what happened in South Carolina and legislation to begin to correct the problem will be introduced but it will be defeated and we will go right back to what too many of us have come to accept as normal.

But there are too many Americans who have been heartbroken by all of the previously mentioned catastrophes; and each time that these issues have been winked at and efforts to address and correct them have been ignored, the foundation of those who are determined to address and correct them has become larger and stronger.

Although change will not come soon, it will come!  And as Americans we must continue to fight for it.  We must resolve ourselves to realize and accept that we might not live to see the change.  But we must also always continue to be motivated by the fact that it will be our combined efforts down through the generations that will ultimately help to bring it about.  Without us, this change will not happen.  So to assure that it does happen, let’s make sure that we fight for it…beyond our last breath.

Eulus Dennis

Politics Congress And Prosecutors

PCP: Politics, Congress and Prosecutors are not the well-known drug PCP, which makes people crazy when they indulge in it but they can make you just as crazy.  Just watching them function from the sideline as a regular citizen can give you a contact high!  They can prove to be the everyday American citizens’ Angel Dust; they drive you c-r-a-z-y!

Politicians, in particular the U.S. Congress, constantly complain about lazy people and welfare queens who don’t want to work and are seeking a free hand out from the government.  They say that these people should get a j-o-b because it would improve their self-esteem and help them to become contributing members to their communities and to American society overall.  They would become givers rather than takers, they say!

All the while that they are saying this they are busy shirking their responsibility and not doing their job.  A perfect example of this is their refusal to debate and hold a vote on the ISIS situation.  They want to pick and choose the parts of their responsibilities that they will fulfill.  They are like a bunch of children who want to do all of the easy and fun stuff but leave the hard and not-so-fun stuff to someone else.  And when that someone else does the not-so-fun stuff and the adults (constituents) complain because they do not like how it was done, the children are quick to point fingers and lay blame.

What a great example they are setting when it comes to work ethic; what a shining example of leadership they are to those who they are condemning!  What good does it do one to have a job if they refuse to do it?  The only difference between them and us, their political pawns, is that – if we had a job and conducted ourselves as they are conducting themselves, we would be fired immediately.

These politicians want to dictate the terms of their employment to the boss (their constituents/pawns) and whether the boss accepts them or not they still demand to be paid.  And since they are elected officials who cannot be fired until the next time that they are up for election, during the interim, what should we call their paychecks?  A payment for work that one does not earn, by any other name, is still a free hand out.

As for Prosecutors, they are politicians too.  And although they are not constantly calling out those who for reasons that likely are not under their control and therefore do not have a job so require help until they can get one, they also too often choose to shirk their responsibilities.  They hide behind grand juries unnecessarily so that they do not have to make the tough decisions.  Decisions like those related to Erick Garner, Michael Brown – and as it stands at this point, potentially Tamir Rice.  There are many other cases around the country where Prosecutors have elected to shirk there responsibility and allow grand juries to make decisions, many times manipulated (legally) by them to help assure the desired outcomes, because it was politically expedient for them to do so.

They dump these decisions on someone else (e.g. grand juries) but manipulate them into making the decisions that they want them to make.  They do this for political reasons just like Congress does.  Most of the time Prosecutors can get away with this because grand jury proceedings are always shrouded in secrecy and there is no real oversight of how grand juries are handled.  In other words, it seems reasonable to cast all politicians no matter their stripe into the same category.

Even if you have the anti-typical politician vaccine on hand – which consists of a mixture of knowing the kind of politician that you are dealing with, being on top of the political issues, knowing that politicians will be politicians and being wary that smoke and mirrors may surround every single word that they say, and you get immunized right away, that is no guarantee that this will save you and prevent you from being felled by political chicanery.

Most politicians are at least as smooth, if not more so, as the most personable criminal con-artist.  And if the anti-typical politician vaccine is successful in helping you to survive so that if you choose to do so you can continue to participate in politics, you now have latent schmoozer virus cells in your blood and so are more susceptible to contracting schmoozer disease of which typical politicians are hosts.  This means that even when politicians do all of the negative stuff mentioned above and more between their elections cycles, when it comes time for them to be reelected you will be more vulnerable than many other constituents so they will more likely be able to schmooze you.

Since they are hosts they can easily recognize this disease so you must be aware and fight the temptation to succumb to their B.S.  Then, when the time comes, make things right with your vote.  And always remember, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis

Up Next, 2016 Presidential Election

As a registered voter, it is not too early to begin preparing for the 2016 Presidential election. We should already be familiar with how those politicians that are in Washington to represent us have been and are currently conducting themselves.  Have they been and are they still ignoring our collective voice while cozying up to big money in what has become our disgraceful money-based political system?  And have they suddenly now become or will they soon become shameless schmoozers who will dupe those of us who are not on top of political issues into reelecting them?

Ad: If you like political fiction, you will love Operation Rubik’s Cube.  It is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Click on the link to view a video trailer on You Tube.

We have a responsibility as American Citizens and registered voters to make our democracy as perfect as a democracy can possibly be.  We may be thoroughly disgusted with the system and how it works but we must continue to participate in it in order to make it better.  We cannot and will not make it better by burying our heads in the sand!  Besides, that is exactly what some billionaires and millionaires and others who favor an oligarchy want us to do.  That way, our government which is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people can be run by them while the rest of us watch from the sideline.

Many times ambitious politicians get all the way down into the mud in their efforts to achieve their political goals.  They themselves will say and do almost anything and will also stir up their constituents – who, as a result, sometimes say and do hateful things, to win votes.  In her 2015 commencement speech to the students of Oberlin College First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) Michelle Obama encouraged those students to, despite its ugliness, not run away from the noise but to run to it because the noise is the place where they would be able to make the most meaningful difference.  While encouraging them, she spoke of others who in the past refused to be deterred and instead had run to the noise.

According to this quote from 3chicspolitico the FLOTUS said “But these folks didn’t let the ugliness and the obstacles deter them. They didn’t just give up and retreat to the comfortable company of like-minded folks, because they understood that this is how democracy operates. It is loud and messy, and it’s not particularly warm and fuzzy. And believe me, I know this from personal experience. (Laughter.) Over the years, I’ve occasionally run into the noise myself. But I’ve come to realize that most of that clamor is really coming from just a handful of very loud folks out on the fringes.”

In Denver, we just completed voting in a runoff election to select a City Councilman to represent the District in which I live; District 11. Although this was a local election, democracy got a bit loud and messy as each side leveled negative allegations against the other. Ultimately, however, we elected a City Councilman to represent us.

My point is that we must either ignore the noise and do our civic duty by voting anyway or we must run to it and have reasonable discourse with those who disagree with us in an effort to get them to see things from our perspective. But whether or not we win them over to our side, we still must vote and so must they. The thing that we absolutely must refuse to do is quit out of pure frustration with the system and hand our government over to a few billionaires and millionaires.

When I hear all of the talk by those who say that ‘we need to take back our government’, I take that to mean that we need to take it back and clean it up, not destroy it. We must take it back from those politicians who are abusing it by violating their oath and abusing their power. We must not become so cynical and battle-weary that we give up on our country by becoming quitters. Even though democracy may many times become loud and messy – depending on our level of interest in politics, let us either run to the noise and try to make things better or ignore it and vote anyway.

Eulus Dennis

What will happen to Obamacare? Ask America’s top 5 guys

Updated The Rachael Maddow Show video link information in this article on 6/10/2015

From the time that Americans let our politicians know that we want affordable healthcare and Congress passed the Affordable Care Act so that average Americans can afford to purchase healthcare insurance, the Republican Party has been working to repeal or destroy it.  Now it is likely that 5 guys – who for all intents and purposes could likely fit into the category of quasi politician – will decide its fate.  The uncanny thing is that this case even managed to reach the Supreme Court.

Yes, this month, it will have been a little more than five years since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a., Obamacare) was passed and although Congress has accomplished very little else since then they have voted at least 54 times to cripple or repeal it.  In conjunction with voting to repeal Obamacare they continue to do everything that they possibly can to destroy it even though they have no substantive plan with which to replace it.

The 5 top guys who will likely decide its fate will likely be the same guys that decided who would become America’s president as a result of the Bush versus Gore debacle in Florida in 2000.  The real problem is not whether it is these same five guys.  The problem is that 5 people decided for all of America in 2000 who our president would be and now they likely will decide whether or not America will provide its citizens with affordable healthcare so that they can purchase healthcare insurance.

If these 5 guys decide against the Administration on this case it will be up to Congress to correct the problem, which normally would be quite easy.  But with this Congress and their record; and based on the record and accomplishments of the Congresses over the past few years, good luck!  Based on this Congress’ ability to work together and get things done it would take all but an act of God for them to come together and fix the Obamacare problem even though that fix would only require them to change a few words in the law.

It seems that most of those in the Republican Party want to repeal or destroy Obamacare so despite the fact that right now they are fighting among themselves (e.g. their inability to pass their own bills although they control Congress); because they are in harmony when it comes to their hatred of Obamacare, they would likely circle the wagons and…do nothing.

The top 5 guys are probably good people who, hopefully, always interpret the law honestly and to the best of their ability.  But just like the rest of Americans, they have their political persuasions and though they may work hard not to allow those persuasions to influence their ultimate decisions; just like the rest of us, they are human.

The bottom line is that to the greatest extent possible, the majority of Americans should be making these determinations through our elected officials and they should not be made by 5 guys who have the same flaws that all Americans have.  What about the do-nothing Congress, you might ask?  My answer; we can easily fix that and keep it fixed by stepping up to our responsibility as American citizens: we can get registered and get out and vote.  And that means that we need to vote in more than just presidential elections: we need to vote in local, state, and federal elections.

I can’t guarantee you that all of us will then be happy and content with the outcomes; instead, I can guarantee you that one side will likely prevail more often than the other and some of us will always be disgruntled with those outcomes.  But it will be a lot better than letting 5 guys determine our destiny.  And besides, we should not necessarily be looking for an equal share of those outcomes to be favorable for us but rather an equal opportunity to have input into what those outcomes will be.

Our elected officials should be working to make the system as fair as possible, encouraging citizens to vote and making it as easy as legally possible for us to do so.  Unfortunately, that is not the case and some of them are instead putting up barriers to obstruct or prevent some of us from voting.

African-Americans who had to endure events like Bloody Sunday on the journey to the right to vote, and women – who were not allowed to vote until 1920, should be especially focused and determined to vote as a result of these hard-won victories: victories, some of which by the way, have been greatly eroded by the Supreme Court’s 2013 Voting Rights decision.

After the Court’s ruling, the state of Texas immediately enacted new and onerous voter ID laws that have had an adverse impact on many Texans’ ability to vote.  These new laws have mainly impacted on the poor, people of color and young people.  Many of those in these groups normally vote for Democrats.  Unfortunately, Texas is not the only state that has enacted new and unfair voter ID laws.  There may be as many as 20 other states that have enacted or are making an effort to enact such laws.  All of these states are headed by Republicans or have legislatures that are dominated by Republicans.  How does this approach to governance fit into the definition of democracy and the spirit and intent of the United States’ Constitution?  It doesn’t!

Before the Supreme Court’s ruling that gutted the Voting Rights Act, the U.S. Department of Justice was able to block the passage of such laws unless the lawmakers that wanted them implemented could prove in advance of passing them that they would not have a disparate impact on any group of voters.

This is not the case now and many Texas voters who had been voting since the time that they became eligible to vote can no longer do so.  The reasons for denying these American citizens their right to vote have been, at best, flimsy and the most obvious reason for implementing these laws appears to be to make it harder or prevent those who do not vote for Republicans from voting.  This must change; and we can change it through our vote!  So whatever your Party affiliation might be, make a determination right now that no matter what roadblocks are placed in your way that you will somehow get beyond them, get registered and vote.

The reduction in the number of polling places, days that are available for one to vote, not allowing those who are already in line to vote before the polls close – no matter how long the line and the long lines that have been created in the past and will continue to be created as a result of these reductions are obstacles that may prove to be a major challenge to meet: but we must continue to fight and try until we meet and ultimately surmount them!

Finally, if you are interested, you can click on the following link (click the link then type ‘Clinton slams GOP for war on voting, calls for universal registration’) into the search box to watch a video on The Rachael Maddow Show on how bad things have actually become with regards to some lawmakers around the country who are making it harder for their constituents to vote.

Eulus Dennis

American Communities Need The Police

With all of the problems that are surfacing in police departments throughout America, it is fair to say that police are under siege and will continue to be until these problems are solved.  They are not only under siege by communities in states like San Francisco, Florida, South Carolina, Maryland, Missouri and Ohio but it seems that all of America is a participant.

America and all of the exasperated communities where these problems are rampant are demanding answers and a solution to what, at least, appears to be a systemic problem with America’s policing of its citizens.  This problem involves police brutality and excessive use of both non-lethal and lethal force by police against people of color and especially against African American males.

Our communities need the police.  Too many clean police officers are suffering because of the things that the few dirty police officers do.  However, the suffering that these clean cops are left to endure is not brought on solely by an angry and unfair public; these clean cops are also partially responsible for it because of what they have thus far refused to do.  They have a responsibility to expose these rogue groups of dirty cops in police departments around the country but they continually shirk this responsibility.

It does not matter whether they avoid exposing their fellow police officers because of the so called ‘Blue Code’ or out of fear of reprisal by them.  The fact is that they refuse to expose these officers: they keep silent when they witness police brutality and excessive use of force and are fully aware that misleading or false reports are regularly being filed.

Is this situation a tangled web for clean police officers and are they right to be fearful should they bear witness to the truth?  The answer is probably yes because many times this ‘dirty cop’ virus has already invaded the highest levels of the department increasing the likelihood that those in the chain of command that ultimately lead down to the lowest level police officer on the street are also tainted.

This presents a dangerous situation for clean police officers, which can make it hard for them to do the right thing.  But police officers are placed in dangerous situations every day that they put on their uniform and that danger does not end with their shift.  The only way that they are going to even have a chance to rid themselves of dirty cops and make police departments throughout the country the law enforcement bastions that they should be; and ones that represent the places of honor and service to America that they should be, is to rid them of those cops who view honor and service as nothing more than mere words.

It is understandable that most police officers choose to fraternize mainly with other police officers; the nature of their job tends to skew them in that direction.  This does not have to stop in order for them to do their part to foster trust between police and the communities that they serve and protect.  There will still be anger and animosity that at times exist between police and civilians but the trust level and desire to assist the police in better and more effectively doing their job will be there.  It cannot help but to thrive and grow!  I believe that even a reasonable angry citizen who has had a bad experience with the police, if they believe that that police officer treated them fairly and was simply trying to do their job, will – overall, still stand in support of that police officer.

I hope that police officers around the country will read this article and sincerely contemplate the message that it is intended to send.  Then, even after they consider the danger that they may expose themselves to by standing up for the truth, they will do it anyway.  I hope that they will decide to be heroes and do the right thing.  Being a hero does not necessarily mean that one is without fear when they perform a heroic act, it means that even if they are afraid they perform it anyway.

Police officers are accustomed to receiving medals for being heroes.  There have likely been many times when they have even received one of these medals for taking a life if it was under the right circumstances or unfortunately, if it was falsely depicted to have been under the right circumstances.  To step up and be a part of ridding police departments of dirty cops would truly warrant a heroes’ medal: it would be a giant step forward for America.

For those of us who are not police officers and especially those who live in some of the previously mentioned communities that have been hit by these unfair policing methods, we must realize that we too have a responsibility to fulfill in order to foster and build trust and cooperation between police and our communities.  When the police are being fair and treating their subject with dignity and respect, we must respect and support them even when in the moment, from our perspective, they are not doing the right thing in detaining and/or arresting that person.

If clean cops will work to rid police departments of dirty cops and the police and community members will do their part to begin to foster and build trust and cooperation, we can solve these problems.

Eulus Dennis

Chief Justice Roberts’ Campaign-Finance Reform Thoughts?

This article was updated on 5/29/2015.  A video link was added.

Is it just me because I don’t really understand the fine points of this campaign-finance stuff or is this jumping-off point referenced by Chief Justice John Roberts to begin to address campaign-finance reform the equivalent of a mirage?  The thing that you desire appears to be there but no matter how far you travel in its direction you never reach it.  And when you become so disoriented that you think that you have reached it (e.g. if the perceived thing is an oasis with water), you end up drinking sand.

The U.S. Supreme court opened the floodgates when it passed Citizens United.  Now, in its effort to repair the damage that this law is doing and perhaps ultimately get things completely under control, the jumping-off point that Chief Justice Roberts alluded to is what they come up with?  It seems to me that this is like opening the floodgates at Hoover Dam and then trying to stem the flow of water with a few sandbags.  It is impossible to accomplish anything at all.

Big business, the big money people and Congress will certainly know how to get around this if Congress decides to even make an effort do anything about it.  Perhaps I am being overly critical but I am frustrated with not having my voice heard and I am confident that there are many others who feel the same way that I do.

Big business and other big money elements have long had their hands in the cookie jar when it comes to our elected officials and the Citizens United ruling gave them even greater leverage over politicians than they already had.  They have paid lobbyist at the local, state and federal levels who persistently demand and receive an audience with these politicians and they use those opportunities to draw attention to issues that big business and big money people support.

Although it is a completely different subject it is a salient issue that also involves everyday Americans so it is appropriate to interject it into this article: the TPP.  According to Senator Elizabeth Warren, about 85% of those who helped to craft the TPP are a part of the big business/big money crowd.  Further, the agreement is clouded by secrecy.

What I find most disconcerting is that almost every Republican – including Senator Mitch McConnell and the extreme rightwing crowd, that has showered him with vitriol from the time that he was first elected are now onboard with him and praising him.  This love fest likely makes a lot of others, both everyday Americans and politicians, a bit uneasy even if they support the President.

That is why senators like Senator Warren, Sherrod Brown and Bernie Sanders apposed President Obama and were responsible for handing him a defeat on this issue.  They are not trying to destroy him or his legacy; they are working to stand up for middleclass Americans.  I believe that the President understands why witnessing these Republicans suddenly fall in love with him in conjunction with those who crafted the agreement and the secrecy that surrounds it, that many of us are suspicious of it and have much ambivalence about supporting it.  He asked us to trust him on this.  We trust him but under the circumstances perhaps along with his request that we trust him, no matter how painful the task is for him and no matter how senseless he may feel that it is, he (or his team) should try to explain the situation to these dissenting everyday Americans and politicians to help alleviate their fears and gain their support.

Everyday Americans do not have the financial resources available to them that these billionaires and millionaires have so we do not have paid lobbyist.  As a result, our voices either pale in the ears of politicians or go completely unheard because they are drowned out by the loud promises of financial support from the big money elements of our society.  Click the ‘financial resources’ link above then click ‘Can One Billionaire Change 2016 Politics?’ to view an interesting video on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show, ‘The Last Word’, to understand the impact that a single billionaire can have on an election.

Whether it is real or just perceived, this kind of favored treatment generates fear, anger and distrust among those who are not among the chosen ones.  It likely translates into what we are seeing now with the TPP and is the catalyst of the problems that President Obama is experiencing in getting the TPP passed.

I have struggled ever since the Supreme Court made its Citizens United ruling to find anything that will help me to better understand why it ruled as it did and I continue to struggle even now.  It is obviously an understatement to say that those who made this ruling are lawyers, while I am not, and they understand all of the fine points that demanded a favorable ruling while I do not.

I try and will continue to do so, to believe that this decision had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with law.  But then I think; why should the few rule the many?  Why should a few billionaires and millionaires have the power to run America and determine her future and which path she will take to get there while all other Americans stand on the sideline and watch?  There must be a reasonable nexus that will allow me to reconcile these thoughts and the favorable Citizens United ruling which, up to this point, I have just not been able to comprehend.

I believe that big money and politics make terrible bedfellows.  It is almost impossible to decipher and rule out quid-pro-quo, let alone the appearance of quid-pro-quo, when it comes to politicians and their relationships with big business and other big money people.  That is why we need election reform that will take big money out of the equation.

Big business and other big money should have their fair say in how America is run just like everyone else but they should not have a greater say than anyone else; especially the single voice of the majority!  The problem right now seems to be that the voices of big business and other big money are being heard to a greater extent and to the detriment of everyday Americans.

Until election reform occurs and big money is no longer driving the election process, I will continue to struggle to make sense of the Citizens United ruling.  And should this by a lot of hard work or some miracle happen, I still might not be able to understand the ruling but at least it should provide me with some much needed help in my effort to understand it.  Even if it doesn’t help me to finally achieve the reconciliation, the issue would likely be rendered moot anyway because the removal of big money from the election process would go a long way toward leveling the playing field between it and the everyday American.

But for now I will accept things as they are while I continue to use the power of my vote in an effort to change them.  I recommend that you do the same.  In the meantime, do not become so frustrated with the system that you cease to participate in it because that will do more harm than good: always remember, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis

Keep The Pressure On America’s Justice System

Now is not the time to take the pressure off of America’s justice system.  The appearance of the responsible officials and our politicians finally beginning to make an effort to actually try to address the problem is not enough.  We have seen this act far too many times before already.  Officials and politicians from the local level all the way up to the White House who are responsible for assuring liberty and justice for all have not been doing their jobs.

Too many innocent, unarmed people – especially young Black men – have died and many who were justifiably arrested, whether the charge was a misdemeanor or a felony, have been unnecessarily brutalized by the arresting police officers and incarcerated for excessive periods of time.  Those in authority have winked at this problem while too many of the rest of us have just accepted it and turned our heads the other way out of sheer frustration.

We have come to believe that this is just the way that it is and accept the status quo because we feel that there is absolutely nothing that we can do about it.  Too many Americans have died or otherwise been abused by our justice system because they have little or no money, which means they have no power.  Our justice system is skewed toward those with money and power and although most Americans realize that this is a problem and talk openly about it, again, we accept it because we have come to believe that this is just the way that it is and there is nothing that we can do about it.

Those who feel this way are wrong.  We can and should – no must, do something about it.  We can vote!  We can use the power of our vote to oust those who have become comfortable with the title of politician and refuse to do the job that they were elected to do.  Too many politicians have willingly and openly accepted the fact that many Americans believe that they will lie and do almost anything else to remain in office once they have tasted that power and potential to line their own pockets: and so they use this to their advantage.

I borrow words from the late Dr. Martin Luther King when I say that they do their jobs “in times of comfort and convenience” but become shrinking violets when it comes to doing it in times of “challenge and controversy.”  During these times of challenge and controversy they play politics…and we allow them to get away with it.  While it is true that we have the ability to vote now, with some of the things that are going on in the political world with many politicians working to figure out a way to prevent us from voting, there is no guarantee that we will retain it.

I decided to write this article because of an article I read in the Associated Press dated May 3, 2015.  The article was by Jeffrey Collins and entitled ‘State police won’t release dashcam video of officer shooting.‘  The article reminded me of a time back in the late 1950’s when the police chased my dad (followed would probably be a more appropriate word) home.  At the time, we were living on Arapaho Street in Denver in what was referred to as ‘the projects.’

The story can best be told via an excerpt from my book, ‘Living Between The Line’ and it goes as follows:

Vernon enjoyed nice clothes and good liquor and over the years had become a heavy drinker.  His drinking and driving did not make for a good mix and since Vernon did not have a Driver’s license, this only made matters worse.  As fate would have it Vernon’s drinking and driving without a license ultimately caught up with him.  One day while Matt was still in elementary school and still cruising the neighborhood on his cool scooter with his friend Billy he witnessed a scene that he will never forget.  Matt and Billy had just arrived in front of Matt’s house when they heard the sound of a siren.

Matt and Billy turned their heads in the direction of the sound and to Matt’s amazement there was his dad being chased by the police.  Perhaps it should be said that he was being followed by the police because although the police had their siren on, when they passed by Matt and Billy on the street in front of Matt’s house they were smiling and talking to one another.

Vernon was only traveling about 25 to 30 miles per hour but he refused to stop.  He was signaling for every turn that he made.  The funny thing was that he was not using his turn signals but was giving hand signals.  In this case, he had his arm outside of the window and pointing toward the sky, which meant that he was preparing to make a right turn.

Matt and Billy ran to the corner just in time to see Vernon arrive at the corner at the end of another block and see him once again place his arm outside the window and point toward the sky.  Vernon continued to do this until he reached the parking lot behind his apartment in the projects where he got out of the automobile and the police officers approached him.  Vernon was obviously very drunk!

Bonnie had witnessed this scene from her apartment window and had an idea where Vernon was headed when he passed in front of the apartment so she was at the parking lot waiting when Vernon arrived.  By now, Matt and Billy were in Matt’s back yard watching to see what would happen to Vernon: Matt was afraid because he feared that his dad would go to jail.  Fortunately, as Vernon stood bobbing and weaving in front of the police officers, they only gave him a good long lecture and released him to Bonnie.  Bonnie took him into the house and put him to bed.

Unfortunately, the story in the article that Mr. Jeffrey Collins wrote ended in the death of the 68-year-old driver in the driveway of his own home.  He, like my dad, was drunk.  The police officer who shot him was indicted on criminal charges.  Click on the link to the article above if you would like to read it in the Associated Press.

My point is that equal justice under the law is the right of every American despite the color of their skin and regardless of what law they have broken.  Excessive or unwarranted lethal force by the police must be neither condoned nor tolerated.  Although Grand Juries likely do the best that they can in accordance with the law, there is a fatal flaw in this process that must be addressed and corrected by those officials and politicians who have the power to correct it.

I refuse to believe that the rich and powerful, politicians and those officials who head justice-related institutions from local levels all the way up to national levels do not see what is happening.  I refuse to believe that they are incapable of comprehending how dangerous this road that we are traveling is.

It is my opinion that there is something else that is preventing these obviously intelligent and smart people from attacking this problem and doing the right thing to correct it.  I believe that that ‘something else’ is money and politics.  And until the preponderance of those big money people decide that things can go so terribly wrong if we continue down this same road that it will have a negative impact on their money and as a result force change, or voters step up and force politicians to do the jobs that they were elected to do, we will continue to have this problem.

Eulus Dennis

Police Are A Gang With Badges?

According to a Reuters article by Ian Simpson dated 4/27/2015 entitled ‘Police: Seven officers injured, one unresponsive in Baltimore riot’, Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods and Crips gangs allegedly threatened to “…’take out’ law enforcement officers.”  Those of you who read my posts in probably recall an article in which I said that a young Black male who had experienced a number of encounters with the police made the statement that “the police are just a gang with badges.”

How would it look and how accurate would it be if the line above instead of reading “Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods and Crips gangs allegedly threatened to… read; Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods, Crips and Police gangs allegedly threatened to…?”  My opinion is that it would look terrible and it would also be either unfairly skewed favoring those who are either anti-police or totally blinded by their anger about how the police treat people of color – in particular Black people, if one assumed that it was accurate or the inverse would apply if one assumed it was inaccurate.  In other words, the skew would favor those who were either simply pro-police no matter how the police conducted themselves or totally blinded by their bias – realized or unrealized – toward people of color, in particular Black people.

Just like all Black people are not the enemy, outlaws, thugs or rabble-rousers simply because they are Black, neither are all police officers ‘gang members with badges.’  But just like some Black people are the enemy, outlaws, thugs or rabble-rousers, some police officers are – in essence, ‘gang members with badges.’

The gang in police departments across the country consists of those dirty police officers who do exactly what gang members do; steal, commit armed robbery, embezzle, bribe, and in other ways bully crooks and other hardworking citizens who many times have done absolutely nothing wrong.  Because regular citizens – in particular Black people (young Black people are still struggling to comprehend and accept this) have figured out how to game the system by subordinating themselves to all police officers (this should not be necessary) and conducting themselves in the manner of a child being addressed by their parents, gang member police officers see this as respect just as all bullies do.  The truth is that this is not respect but raw fear!  How sad a situation this has become for all involved; clean police, dirty police, crooks and everyday innocent hardworking citizens!

Even honest, well-meaning top-level police officials seem to be afraid to even make an effort to correct this problem.  Are they afraid that this type of behavior has gone on for so long that it is so engrained into their police departments that it cannot be removed without totally destroying the departments themselves?  Could they be right?  Does this culture go all the way to the very top and the only way for the country to rid itself of it is to rip it out root and branch and start over?  That’s a bit of an overstatement but I’m sure that you get the gist of what I mean.

As a result of the recent death of Freddie Gray at the hands of Baltimore police, Baltimore has erupted in flames.  And although at this point the current situation is a long way from being like the riot that occurred there in 1968, the comparison is already being made.  The police and local, state, and national politicians began immediately to pontificate and publicize how the actions of lawless people like those who were looting, destroying property, and attacking the police and innocent citizens would not be tolerated.  Then they immediately took action to back up their rhetoric.

It is a shame that they refuse to show this same kind of determination when it comes to lawless police officers who are doing to citizens what basically amounts to the same thing that these lawless looters are doing.  Because justice is so one-sided in this particular case as a result of the refusal by these officials to address this problem, many people are frustrated and feel that they have no avenues available to them to have their problems and concerns addressed; therefore, they resort to violence.  It is a shame that they have come to believe that this is what it takes to shed the feeling of being invisible; but from their perspective this is when the media’s cameras begin to roll and they are noticed.  I make this observation to neither excuse nor rationalize their behavior but simply to state the reality of the situation.

As long as  the police are so afraid to tackle this problem that many of the police departments around America refuse to even admit that it exists and our elected officials refuse to touch it because it is a political hot potato, then we will continue to have the Florida’s, New York’s, Ferguson’s, Cleveland’s, Oklahoma’s, Alabama’s, South Carolina’s and Baltimore’s.

The list of places immediately above where police have used unwarranted excessive or lethal force is by no means exhaustive.  As American citizens we must continue to keep the pressure on all of the officials who are a part of this problem because they must also be a part of the solution.  They must be a part of the solution even if as a part of that solution includes removing them.

Whether we are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, we must use our voting power to let our elected officials know that we expect equal justice under the law for all people.  Gangs trying to ‘take out’ law enforcement officers are not the answer.  Many gang members are either already outlaws because they have broken the law and if they are not already outlaws, they are well on their way to becoming such.  This includes police officers who are members of the ‘gang with badges’ who under the guise of enforcing the law are greater enemies to it than are those who openly – and some who proudly, claim the title outlaw or crook.

Despite our color identity or any other terms that we use to identify ourselves, as citizens, we have to step up and speak up.  Gangs that evoke the names of those innocent and unarmed Black men who have fallen at the hands of the police and then commit violent acts in retaliation against the police for having killed them amounts to nothing more than breaking the law.  It is not the right thing to do!  They should be held to account and punished if they are identified and caught.

Let’s focus our energy in the right place and take steps in the right direction to fix the problem by pressuring those who have the ability to fix it but refuse to do so for whatever reason.  Among the right places to focus that energy would be efforts to come together and have reasonable discourse on the problems that exist in the justice system in our country.  It is obvious that policing the citizenry is one of those problems and our inability to even agree that this problem exists highlights the fact that it indeed does exist and is demanding a solution.

Eulus Dennis

A Closer Look At Big Money And Education

Let’s take a closer look at big money, which seems to be permeating every facet of our lives as Americans, and the education of our children.  Somewhere between the mid-70s and mid-80s, big money burst upon the scene and took a chokehold upon how we go about educating our children.

It does not matter if its intention was to assure that all children regardless of their economic status received a quality education or if its ulterior motive was really just money if it achieved that desperately sought-after and seemingly cunningly-elusive thing called a ‘quality education for all children;’ but upon until this time, it hasn’t.  I happen to be one of those who believe that there is an ulterior motive and that ulterior motive is without a doubt money.

Big money has always been more interested in its bottom line than anything else and it appears that this is still the case.  It has long been said that if you want to find the answer to questions that you may have, especially when money and/or power is involved, follow the money.  The direction that the education of our children has taken is no exception to that rule.

This does not necessarily mean that all of those who have advocated for programs like the Edison Project, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Race To The Top (RTTT) are all about the money but we must also accept the fact that money was and remains the driving force for big money contributors who are strong supporters of the current direction in which the education of America’s children is headed.

In January 2013, I wrote an article that was published in the Denver Post under ‘Quality teaching in DPS vs. tenure rights’, which was entitled ‘Quality Teaching Is More Than Test Scores.’  I recently read an article in Salon by Susan Engel entitled ‘We’re teaching our kids wrong: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do not have the answers.’  If I could write an article that would virtually perfectly summarize my thoughts on what is happening with the education of our children, why we should be concerned about it and why we should band together in every local community to do something about it at the grassroots level, it would be a carbon copy of this article by Ms. Engel.

Ms. Engel’s article does not condemn those who support those who are taking the education of our children in its current direction and those who were or remain advocates of this approach to educating them, instead, she points out why this may not be the right direction and also points out reasons as to why we should reconsider this approach and possibly change it.

There was a time back in the 1990s when I was a board member of an organization called Citizens for Quality Schools (CQS).  I believe that this organization had the best interest of Denver K-12 students in mind but, at the time, it was in favor of and pushing for charter schools.  They believed that charter schools would not only give parents greater choice as to which school they would like to send their children to but that charter schools would also be an avenue to improving the quality of education that these students would receive.

Although I was not a proponent of charter schools – because of other elements that CQS espoused like Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Committees and School Improvement Accountability Committees (SIAC), I felt that CQS truly did have the best interest of Denver K-12 students at heart.  This gave me hope that we would eventually find the best possible solution for all stakeholders.  Now we are in year 2015 and, unfortunately – thus far, big money has continued to prevail.

For a long time now, big money has had its way with respect to how America’s children will be educated and we still have not regained our standing as number one among the nations in the field of Education.  If the current road is not the right one that we should be traveling to provide all children with a top-quality education then we should find the right road now and get on it.

An education that is second to none for all children is extremely important not only to all parents but to America as well if we are to effectively compete on the world stage.  Therefore, I encourage all of those who read this article to click on the above link to Ms. Engel’s article in Salon.  I am sure that you will find that reading it will be worth your time and that it will be a thought-provoking article no matter which side of this education issue that you support.

Eulus Dennis