Category Archives: Federal Politics

The Republi-can Shutdown The Government Party is eager to party hardy

When it comes to shutting down the government the Republican Party just can’t seem to get enough of it.  It is as if they somehow got caught up in the lyrics of that old song by the Staple Singers from back in the 1970s, ‘Let’s Do It Again’, and cannot break free.

“Sometimes the rain, groovin’ when I hear the sound; like you [government shutdown] and me, baby gettin’ down with the sounds around.  Oh, the smell of the mornin’ flower as we pass away the hour; I wanna do it again, do it again, do it, do it…” the lyrics say.

Obviously the Staple Singers were not referring to a government shutdown but to many of those who were young back in the 1970s, they could not help but to move  and swing and sway to the melodious sounds of this popular Motown song.  Too many Republicans seem to have this same problem when it comes to a government shutdown.  It matters not whether it is a partial or full shutdown; what matters is that it is a shutdown.  They can’t seem to help themselves.  And right now, it appears that once again they are saying, ‘let’s do it again!’

Operation Rubiks Cube 002

Operation Rubik’s Cube: watch the video then buy the book.

Here we are only a few days away from having funding for the Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S.) lapse and Republicans are continuing full speed ahead in allowing it to happen.  Many of them believe that if this does happen, the blame will fall squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats.

It does not matter that Democrats have refused to support the bill that would provide funding to the D.H.S. because it contains language placed into it by Republicans that would, in effect, reverse President Obama’s Executive Order (EO) on immigration.  Although this EO would only allow immigrants who meet special criteria to remain in this country and expire as soon as congress passes a comprehensive immigration law, Republicans find it unacceptable.

What about all of those employees who will not be paid, some of whom by law will have to work without pay, when these funds run out?  Is congress concerned about them or whether they will be able to support themselves and their families until a new funding bill is passed?  Maybe they should pass a law that says that anytime there is a partial or full government shutdown congress members will not be paid until the shutdown is over.  I’d bet that there would be a lot fewer government shutdowns then.

Since President Obama was elected, it seems that many of our elected officials have lost all sense of direction.  It seems that they no longer have the ability to empathize with those who are without a voice and are struggling to survive.  They might not have had a lot of sympathy for those constituents before President Obama was elected and even when they did, it might not have been overt; but now they seem to be so focused on projecting an anti-Obama visual of themselves that they have completely forgotten about anyone who is not rich and powerful.

My message to these politicians now is that they should stop playing politics and pandering and do their job, which is governance.  Stop taking away money from hard-working Americans who are struggling to make an honest living and survive while they continue to pay themselves for doing virtually nothing (the last few congresses are likely among the least productive in American history) and govern!  It can’t be any harder for them to do that than it has been for the Average American to survive over the past six years while they conduct their partisan fights!

Come the next election, my message and yours should be that we are tired of their antics and will no longer tolerate their unreasonable behavior by reflecting those feelings in our vote.  Politicians will be politicians but we all know that they can do better and they too know that they can do better.  But because they are politicians, they will not do better unless America demands it of them.  We must do that!

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent and no matter how many roadblocks may be placed in your path make sure that you surmount them, get registered and vote; and not just in presidential elections.  To vote is our responsibility as Americans and we should meet it.  And after that, “Let’s Do It Again.”

Eulus Dennis

Republicans Are At It Again

It seems that Republicans just can’t get enough of bashing President Obama.  Twenty sixteen may still be a ways off but Republicans who are considering running for president, and some who are definitely not running, are focused like a laser beam on this president.

There’s the Fox News affiliate in San Diego that while reporting news on a rape suspect, showed a picture of President Obama over the shoulder of the reporter instead of that of the person they were reporting on.  The affiliate, San Diego’s Fox 5 News, said that this was a mistake and later apologized.  Was it a mistake?  Or were they simply trying to fire up the base?  Good questions but no definitive answers.  Each person is left to draw their own conclusions.

Then there is a tweet referencing the president that was sent out by Dinesh D’Souza – a political commentator and author – that said, “You can take the boy out of the ghetto…”  Mr. D’Souza is a conservative who is affiliated with conservative organizations like the American Enterprise institute and the Heritage Foundation.  It is no secret that the Heritage Foundation has spent significant time and resources fighting against a number of President Obama’s policies.

There is also former mayor Giuliani who – while at a dinner held in support of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, questioned whether the president loves America.  According to an article in Politico by Darren Samuelsohn the former mayor said; “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.  He doesn’t love you.  And he doesn’t love me.  He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

I will not venture to say that I know exactly what is being implied in former mayor Giuliani’s statement but I do know that it smacks of things that were brought up in the past when some elected officials were saying that President Obama was not born in this country and therefore is not a legitimate president.  This is not the first controversial statement the former mayor has made; instead, it is only among the more recent ones.  Some of his most recent statements have been very divisive.

Governor Walker was present when ex-mayor Giuliani said that he does not believe that President Obama loves America but he remained silent.  Even when he was asked about it later while on Fox News, he chose not to distance himself from it.  As has happened in the past, too many Republicans are slow to condemn this kind of talk.  At this point, there is none that I am aware of who have come forward and said that this is unacceptable.

It is reasonable to assume that these candidates and potential candidates who say that they want to lead America want to be the president of all Americans and lead all Americans.  They don’t want to be the president of just the extreme right wing, right wing, or Republicans and lead them.  They do not want to be the president of just the big money constituents and White people and lead them.  They want to be the president of Democrats, Republicans and Independents: they want to be the president of rich people and poor people; White people, Black people, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans and lead all of us.

It is past time for the political pandering to stop!  For ex-mayor Giuliani to publicly say that he does not believe that President Obama loves America was the wrong thing to do and he should apologize.  For Governor Walker to remain silent after the ex-mayor said this was the wrong thing to do and he must decide whether he will continue to play politics or exemplify the qualities of a true leader by distancing himself from this kind of rhetoric.

There are too many problems that America is faced with for us to continue down this same old worn-out road.  The situation in the Middle East is a snarled mess and our elected officials are spending their time clashing with one another about whether or not America should refer to ISIS as simply terrorist or Islamic terrorist?

Most Americans who follow politics closely would probably much rather see congress and the administration working together to come up with a strategy as to how we can defeat ISIS than witness what they are doing now.  The White House and some in congress agree that we can’t kill our way to victory in this battle.  There are too many factions with different interests that are all but impossibly congruent to be successfully brought together to form a whole that will last.  Yet we must do exactly that if world interest – including our own, is to be served.

But in order to make the virtually impossible possible and implement a workable plan, our leaders will have to spend their time more productively.  They must, at least, suspend the political pandering and arguing among themselves long enough to come up with a solution to this ISIS problem that is plaguing America and the world.

Eulus Dennis

Congress Struggling to Get Untracked

Senator Mitch McConnell has not been real visible or had much to say about actual governance since he became Senate Majority Leader.  Someone from the press should get a drink with him so that they could chat about all of the things that are going right and the few things that are going wrong since Republicans took control of congress: or maybe I should say all of the things that are going wrong and the few things that are going right.

Either way, maybe the conversation could start with President Obama’s “Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?” joke.  That should break the ice.  After all, Senator McConnell didn’t just take it lying down; he struck back at the president with his own empty chair tweet, which showed him in a bar having a beer and a conversation with an empty chair with a glass of red wine on the bar in front of it.

These two men appear to be polar opposites but in order to effectively govern, they – along with Speaker Boehner, are going to have to be amenable to coming together and having reasonable, constructive and meaningful conversation if America is to move forward.  Apparently, no one has needed to get a drink with the Speaker to prod him to talk; he has had plenty to say.

Since Republicans took control of congress he has already talked about how the president does not understand that the House circumvented the Administration in inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint session of congress in order to strengthen the president’s hand in his negotiations with Iran.  Further, according to an article in U.S. News & World Report, when asked about funding for the Department of Homeland Security he said “The House did its job…”  “Why don’t you go ask the Senate Democrats when they’re going to get off their ass and do something other than to vote no?”  And an article in The New York Times by Michael D. Shear and Ashley Parker said that on ‘Fox News Sunday’ Speaker Boehner “signaled that he was willing to let funding for [Department of Homeland Security] lapse – allowing for a shutdown – if the Senate was unable to pass the House’s bill.”

Indeed Speaker Boehner has certainly had plenty to say since Republicans took control of congress but his leadership from the time that he became Speaker has been weak and it still appears to be weak now.  Under his leadership the house has voted to repeal Obamacare more than 50 times, members – including him – continue to be condescending toward the president and many in congress continue to question his loyalty to America.

Under Speaker Boehner’s leadership Republicans continue to retrace their tracks and cover the same old ground again and again and again…  They seem to be unable to get untracked so that they can cover new ground; ground that badly needs to be covered and cries out for congress’ attention.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Republicans having a difference of opinion with the president as to how the country should be run and loathing how he is conducting its affairs.  But to continuously make history by disrespecting him, let alone the office, by questioning his loyalty and right to run the country should be unacceptable to all Americans; it goes beyond the pale.

The question still remains as to who is actually running the House.  It is obvious that Speaker Boehner holds the gavel but things are somewhat opaque when it comes to who is in control.  Is it the Tea Party caucus or is it Speaker Boehner?

The speaker may still be tethered to establishment Republicans but that also is hard to decipher with the way that things are going.  Right now though, it appears that he is somewhat separated from the group and flailing in the wind like a lone flag which is precariously close to being ripped from its mooring, carried away and landing wherever the wind drops it.

If things continue to go the way that they are going now it would not surprise me if the tether line got cut.  As to who would be the cutter – Speaker Boehner or establishment Republicans, I don’t know.  But I do know who the cuttee (to coin a word) would be: Speaker Boehner!

Eulus Dennis

Too Above The Law To Fit Under It?

People were really angry when after the country was almost plunged into ruin by the financial industry and bailed out by taxpayers that no one went to jail.  We heard a lot from politicians about ‘too big to fail’ and after their rescue we heard some bankers crow about how they paid back all of the money that the government provided in order to bail them out.  After that, most of the banks tightened their grip on their money and all but refused to loan any to the Americans who so badly needed it.

Although there was a lot of talk about getting to the bottom of what brought about this near disaster and holding those responsible accountable, nothing ever really happened to anyone of consequence.  Those who were responsible probably knew all along that nothing would happen to them though some feigned some outward fear of punishment in order to placate us average Americans; the little people.

After all, everyone knows that all politicians who expect to be successful need the support of ‘big money’ to finance their expensive election campaigns.  And had bankers and Wall Street not even bothered to feign fear after authoring such a terrible deed surly the little people would have believed that the government was in cahoots with them all along.  Of course, what the average American thought about this unfortunate incident didn’t really matter but as with all politicians and political situations, visuals are important.

Whether or not you agree with the saying that ‘time heals all wounds’ people do tend to forget and those things that at one time may have made their blood boil become distant memories and much less disconcerting.  Although we may think about how bankers and Wall Street executives walked away from something that average Americans would have spent many years incarcerated for, we probably quickly dismiss the thought and move on with our lives.

But there is a problem bubbling just beneath the surface in the banking industry right now that could embroil a lot of rich and powerful people in a quagmire that will be hard to escape.  Again, even if they don’t escape it, the most they will likely suffer is a slap on the wrist, momentary embarrassment and a fine that to them would amount to the equivalent of the average American leaving a two dollar tip.

This problem first surfaced in 2010 and involves the HSBC.  Although the resolution was somewhat controversial, supposedly it was handled then.  However; according to an article in The Guardian by Paul Lewis, it has resurfaced because there is concern by some that the stipulations in that agreement are not being taken seriously.  This time though I doubt that we will hear the mantra ‘too big to fail’; only because it doesn’t fit.

We probably won’t hear anything like that because if we did, the most appropriate catch phrase would be ‘too above the law to fit under it.’  When the Department of Justice (DOJ) addressed and supposedly began to mitigate this problem, which first appeared in 2010, with the intension to ultimately totally correct it, the DOJ assigned an independent monitor as overseer.

In May of 2014 while continuing to work the HSBC problem the DOJ forced a company called Credit Suisse to pay a $2.6 bn. fine for its part as an organization suspected of involvement in tax evasion.  According to the article in ‘The Guardian’, at that time, Attorney General Holder said; “This case shows that no financial institution, no matter its size or global reach, is above the law.  Credit Suisse conspired to help US citizens hide assets in offshore accounts in order to evade paying taxes.  When a bank engages in misconduct this brazen, it should expect that the Justice Department will pursue criminal prosecution to the fullest extent possible, as has happened here.”

Unfortunately for him and the many others who crafted the HSBC solution and thought that their work was complete, it appears that much more still remains to be done.  And as to those customers that used HSBC for illegal purposes who could also find themselves trapped in this web of attempted deception in their effort to hide their personal assets, their problems may have just begun.

In showcasing the DOJ’s progress and accomplishment regarding the HSBC, the attorney general said that “this case shows that no financial institution… is above the law.”  The key operative words here are ‘financial institution.’  What about the high-level, powerful individuals who were involved in this tax evasion scheme; what will happen to them?

I have said before that there are some problems that arise whose complexities defy our ability to navigate them so we must leave it to our elected officials to address them and trust that they will do so in the best interest of America and our overall best interest.  Whether we cannot navigate these complex issues because there is certain information that politicians are privy to, which we are not or we simply don’t have the mental acumen is not the point.

The point is that if tossing all of these high-level crooks into jail and throwing away the key would put the American economy and possibly even the world economy into a tailspin which could only result in disaster, I would say don’t do it.  I think that most Americans would say the same thing.

Those billionaires and millionaires who participate in these tax evasion schemes know too that most sensible people will choose the common good and survival of America over their anger and abhorrence of the arrogance and greed of far too many of the rich.  It seems that the best – and maybe only – way to really get the attention of the rich is through their money.

So what the government needs to do to hold the rich accountable while at the same time making them think twice before they repeat their despicable acts while average Americans carry more than their fair share of the load is to charge them a fine that would to them amount to more than what the average American would leave as a tip.  They need to really make them feel it: make them hurt!  Most of the rich probably fear losing their money more than they do going to jail anyway.  Taking it from them in a significant (emphasis on significant) amount would be like raining fire down on them.

Governments from the federal level all the way down to the local level have no problem with going after people who are not rich and powerful; especially when it comes to taxes.  It is not unheard of for them to spend exponentially larger sums to collect what, in their overall budget, amounts to a pittance compared to what they are trying to collect.

Most people know that until we have a perfect world and America forms a perfect union – whether we like it or not, we are going to have those who, at all levels, are privileged and pampered.  Although Americans might realize and accept that government can’t throw these high-level crooks in jail, they also know that it could do a lot more than it currently does to make them truly feel the pain.  The fact that it has not yet done this is what really has citizens throughout the country suspicious about our government and angry with our politicians.

Bring the pain!  Government doesn’t seem to mind doing this to the average American, why not do it to the rich and powerful as well.

Eulus Dennis

Melding Cops And Communities

Once upon a time in a beautiful place called America police and communities were (almost) as one and (almost) everyone in these communities lived in harmony with them. (Most) Police lived in the communities that they served, walked beats and knew (most of) the people that they protected and served.  And (most of) the people of this beautiful land with ‘spacious skies’, ‘amber waves of grain’ and majestic purple mountains that towered above ‘the fruited plain’, cared for and highly respected the police.

This land was a land of hard-working immigrants who believed that anyone who worked hard and was determined could achieve ‘The American Dream’ for himself and his family.  They said, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teaming shore.  Send these the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

But as the years slowly drifted by in this dreamland that frequently stirred misty dreams of utopia, things changed and some of the police began to feel that they were not there to serve and protect the people in these communities by being good stewards of the law and enforcing it, instead, they began to feel that they were the law and, therefore, above it.  Thus began the downward spiral of this majestic land and the people began to complain and rebel.  Today…

Many people are completely fed up with the way that our police are treating the citizenry.  Police departments all around the country are experiencing this problem.  A perfect example of it is exemplified by the ongoing problem in the New York City Police Department (NYPD).  The quickest way for me to share with you what has taken place with the NYPD lately and is continuing to unfold is to share the content of the following article that I posted previously:

NYPD Unions Have Gone Too Far

All of New York and citizens throughout the United States feel the pain that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) feels for its two fallen police officers.  Everyone should be allowed to express those feelings, including Mayor Bill de Blasio.  For NYPD officers to turn their backs on mayor de Blasio at the urging of NYPD unions is shameful.  Not only is it shameful but it seems to me to, at least, border on insubordination.

The killing of these two innocent police officers was committed by someone who apparently had some mental problems.  Under these circumstances, even if the killer did evoke the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, it is ludicrous for anyone to lay the blame for what he did at the feet of peaceful protesters who are protesting against police brutality and unequal justice under the law.

For the NYPD unions to blame protesters and use it as an excuse to encourage NYPD police officers to turn their backs on the mayor does not make sense.  This is not the kind of leadership that those with such a grave responsibility as police officers should have.  They should expect more from their leaders.  New York is not a police state and neither is any other state in America.

Citizens have the right to peacefully protest and mayor de Blasio has a right to be a father and counsel his son as he deems necessary.  His situation with his son is unique because it is on the cusp of black and white.  He must recognize and effectively navigate both sides of this black and white dilemma; literally.  Probably all black parents have had the conversation with their children, especially if they are boys, about how they should conduct themselves with police officers.  I know that I had that conversation with my children.

Even if the NYPD unions feel that Mayor de Blasio does not support them and disagree with what he said about counseling his son to be careful in how he conducts himself if confronted by a police officer, they are still completely out of line to encourage NYPD police officers to turn their backs on the mayor out of disrespect for him because of this.  Even if they did not encourage officers to turn their backs on the mayor, as soon as union leaders became aware that officers had done this, they should have discouraged them from continuing to do it.

Whether this statement was a gaffe by the mayor or was something that he meant to say, he is still the mayor of New York and should be respected as such.  What if every angry citizen turned their backs on police and the heads of police departments every time an unarmed innocent citizen was killed whether accidentally or on purpose?  What kind of a society would we live in?

Mayor de Blasio may not be the direct manager of these NYPD officers who turned their backs on him or of the officers who head these unions but he is no doubt at the top of the NYPD organization chart.  What would happen if any of you reading this article treated your boss, let alone the Chief Executive Officer, the way that these NYPD officers treated the mayor?

The NYPD union leaders need to be more responsible and look at the big picture rather than allowing their anger and frustration to dictate their actions.  And if every manager from the chief of police down to the lowest level supervisor hasn’t addressed this issue with their subordinates and let them know that they do not condone such behavior, now is the time to do so.

That is the full content of my previously posted article.  One would think that with all that has happened thus far that the powers that be would put their heads together and try to find a solution.  They are trying.  But you might be surprised to learn what police commissioner Bill Bratton and Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, suggested.  They suggested that resisting arrest be made a felony charge rather than have it remain the misdemeanor charge that it is now.

According to an article in the, when commissioner Bratton was asked about such a change he said that it is an idea that he enthusiastically supports.  And Patrick Lynch’s thoughts; according to this same article he said “We believe this change in law is necessary to deter the type of conduct we saw during last month’s demonstrations.”  He was referring to the protesters who had protested and are continuing to protest excessive force by police, police brutality and the recent deaths of unarmed citizens by police.

That’s right; these men want to give police even greater control over citizens by using the leverage of the threat of them being charged with a felony!  Never mind the fact that police have been found on previous occasions to have lied when they said that someone resisted arrest!  Never mind that police have used excessive force on numerous occasions!  Never mind the questionable deaths of many innocent people like Michael Brown, Erick Garner and Tamir Rice at the hands of police!

What do the commissioner and Patrick Lynch suggest is done to address the problems with police with respect to these situations and others like them?  For example, the recent situation like the one where a NYPD police officer was charged with stomping the head of someone he arrested?

Commissioner Bratton is a former police officer and although he may be a good man with good intentions, it appears that his natural instinct leads him to side with police officers rather than look at the problem objectively.  These protesters and citizens throughout the country who support them are not anti-police as Patrick Lynch has said that they are.

I don’t know about you but I think that somehow those powers that be are going to have to someway find a diverse group of police – including some who are already retired, and civilians who can look at this problem objectively and make a sincere effort to solve it.  We must bring police and communities together again and again make them (almost) as one.  America still won’t be the stuff of fairy tales but it will be better and at least working toward becoming a more perfect union.

Eulus Dennis

Guns, Measles, and the Middle East

Even if you do not usually follow politics or you are someone who avoids it altogether, there are some political issues that, by their very nature, command your attention.  There are those issues that have the potential of an immediate and direct impact on you and those that have the potential of a more distant and indirect impact.

Usually those that can have an immediate and direct impact are homegrown and those with the potential of a distant and indirect impact are world issues.  Many of the homegrown issues ebb and flow; normally as a result of politicians ‘kicking the can down the road’ because we as voters fail to hold them to account.

The world issues are a different story where voters are concerned.  Because most of us are unable to navigate the complexities of such issues, we leave the decisions associated with them up to our elected officials and trust that those decisions will be in the best interest of America and in our overall best interest.

Still, in order to have some degree of confidence that these officials will make informed and rational decisions on our behalf, we should want those who are representing us to be the best of the best.  That is why it is so important that we stay informed and always vote.  This applies to Democrats, Republicans and Independents: it also applies to those who closely follow politics and those who do not or usually avoid it altogether.

The problems that are occurring in the Middle East right now, especially the ISIS problem, are among those that are extremely complex and that we must rely on the wisdom and leadership of our elected officials to address.

There is no doubt that the majority of Americans do not want to be dragged into another war that would be extremely difficult to win.  But at the same time, this same majority knows that something has to be done to control ISIS, which is a deadly group whose agenda has the potential of an immediate negative impact on American interests in the Middle East and a distant – or even immediate – impact on America itself.

However, the more immediate problem that voters are faced with and the one that would likely be of more interest to those who eschew politics involves measles and guns.  Also, here is where we can likely draw a more clear line between red and blue; Republicans and Democrats.  Republicans are strong advocates of virtually uncontrolled gun rights.  And as to measles, two highly visible members of the Republican Party – Rand Paul and Chris Christie – who will likely run to become the 2016 nominee for president seem to be taking the need for children to be vaccinated lightly.

If you are a Republican – before you become too defensive, allow me to explain why I said these potential nominees for president are taking the need to vaccinate children lightly; I doubt that you are offended by the guns part of my statement.

It appears that measles is beginning to make a comeback since it was proclaimed eradicated in 2000 in the United States.  Although since its outbreak in Disneyland it has spread to at least 14 states around the country, these two Republican politicians have sidestepped vaccination questions.  When asked if parents should have their children vaccinated, they avoided providing a direct answer to this question.  Instead, they resorted to political pandering.  According to an article in The Hill by Peter Sullivan, Dr. Ben Carson – another highly visible Republican considering a run for president in 2016 blames the measles on immigrants.

With regards to guns, Republican controlled legislatures around the country have begun an effort to expand gun freedom by allowing guns in schools, official government meetings and various public places.  They have also begun efforts to rollback or repeal enacted laws that addressed issues like background checks, the allowed size of a gun’s magazine and control over how and if guns could be sold on the Internet.

Whether or not these new laws and rollback or repeal efforts are things that you agree with is not the primary issue.  What you must do before you can do anything either way about these issues is to make sure to register to vote.  Once you are a registered voter, make sure that you become informed on the issues then always vote.  Remember, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis

Rich People and the Vanishing Middleclass

Rich people are a true enigma.  I wonder why they are so afraid of having a thriving middle-class group as a part of our social stratum.  Since they are not openly doing anything to encourage and support its revitalization, it seems that they are determined to do their part to totally eradicate it.

Based on research by Emmanuel Saez cited in “Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States,” the middleclass has been slowly losing ground over the past 30 years while the rich have continued to get richer.  He said that the top 1% received 95% of the income gains between 2009-2012.  The report is due to be updated this month, January 2015.  Further, according to an article in The Washington Post by Michael A. Fletcher, those who remain in the middleclass have been steadily losing wealth.

Certainly rich people must know that a thriving middleclass is an intricate element in the foundation of their wealth and, over the long haul, they are sure to be impacted negatively if they persist in their blind march to eradicate them.  Who will buy the products that the rich have an indirect role in producing?  Who will be able to purchase the homes and automobiles that are a part of the prosperous communities that help to fuel a healthy and thriving economy?  These things fuel rich people’s wealth!

Maybe they are not purposely trying to get rid of the middleclass.  I wrote an article a while back that said that these millionaires and billionaires are blinded by their greed.  Could it be that they are so focused on constantly trying to catch up with the rich people ahead of them while trying to prevent those rich folks that they are ahead of from catching up with them that there is simply no more cognitive room available for them to comprehend the magnitude of the damage that they are doing.

It certainly can’t be because they are afraid that too many middle-class folks through determination and hard work will make it into their exclusive ranks and therefore dilute their exclusiveness and privileged life.  Under the circumstances, I am compelled to maintain my view that they are blinded by their greed.

One can only hope that, like the scale-like coverings that fell off of the eyes of the proverbial Saul, these virtual scales of greed obstructing their view will be removed before it is too late to avoid going over the cliff and destroying the middleclass.  After that – because we are a resilient people, even though recovery will be inevitable it will be a very long and hard road to travel.

With the mentioning of ‘going over the cliff’, I cannot help but to be reminded of the potential problem created by the 2014 midterm elections that gave the Republicans control of both houses of congress.  Republicans have always sided with big business and big money and have shown a propensity to take our country over what has become known as ‘the fiscal cliff’ if they are not given their way.

Many of them are threatening to use the ‘power of the purse’ to force President Obama to sign bills into law that are completely unacceptable to Democrats.  If they do this, we could once again be faced with this so called fiscal cliff problem.  If this actually occurs, it would exacerbate the problem that the struggling middleclass is already facing and accelerate their impending demise.

It would be wrong for me to paint all rich people with a broad brush because there are those who have spoken out in support of a more equitable sharing of the wealth.  And the Republican Party deserves a break too, albeit small, because although there are factions in the Party who are demanding a confrontation with the president at all cost, there are those who prefer a more reasonable approach and are working to convince the members in those factions to reconsider their position.

There are many difficult problems that our country is faced with right now that constitute the phenomenon of social and economic trauma choking America.  Many of the components of this phenomenon dovetail with the need to rescue and revitalize the middleclass; components like the loss of wealth by the middleclass while the top 1% have received 95% of the gain since the great recession, the deaths of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Erick Garner and Trayvon Martin, the ever widening income gap between the rich and the middleclass, the ever widening income gap between white people and people of color, the ever widening high school graduation rate between white people and people of color, the ever widening rate between white people who attend college and people of color who attend college; all of these components need to be addressed if we are to bring about real and lasting change.

It is hard for many Americans to even accept that we have problems in some of these areas let alone take the courageous and bold step to actually address them.  Some of those who refuse to accept this fact are naive.  Some are in total denial and some are fearful of the impact that these changes to make things more fair and equitable for everyone might have on them.

The fact of the matter is that by making the rich pay their fair share, standing up for equal justice under the law, finding a way to fairly distribute the wealth more equally and working to insure that all Americans have an opportunity to receive a quality education would be like a healing ointment.  It would not be a panacea but it would be a giant step in the right direction.

Middle-class Americans are not seeking to supplant the rich; that would be impossible.  They are simply seeking a way to live the American Dream.  To most that simply means a nice home, nice care, the ability to pay the bills and still take a vacation, the ability to send their children to college, and the ability to save for a rainy day.  We can give them a chance to do that by addressing these problems.

There is no doubt that this would be a tough call for many politicians to make but they are elected to make decisions, not just the easy and popular ones, for the betterment of our country and the common good of all of its people.  If they refuse to make them and instead choose to play politics, let’s force them to make them or replace them with someone who will.

Eulus Dennis

Will women pave the way to better governance? More of them deserve a chance to try.

I hope that it doesn’t turn out that women are more reasonable when it comes to governance than are men.  I want us to be just as reasonable as women and I want us to be a steppingstone rather than a stumbling block.  Ok, so maybe I’m a little bit biased in favor of men.  I try not to be but if I am to be honest, that’s the way that it is right now; I’m making progress.

But sometimes I think that as men, we might think with the wrong mix of testosterone versus brain; too much testosterone and too little brain.  We think in terms of things like, you want a piece of us (the United States)?  Bring it!  I heard that ‘bring it’ thing somewhere before; I think it was an extremely high top-level US elected official who said it but I’m not sure.  Anyway, I think that women are somewhat less prone to take that approach.  I don’t have any empirical data that says it is because they use a greater mix of brain than testosterone but it would not surprise me if that is the case.

Anyway, if women can help to get us back on track to more positive governance, whether or not it is related to the testosterone versus brain mix does not matter.  What we need as a country is to find a way to get back to governance instead of partisan politics and gridlock.

I read an article in the Tribune Washington Bureau by Lisa Mascaro titled ‘House abortion bill switch reveals emerging clout of moderate Republicans.’  Although these conservative Republican women bristled and some even fumed at being called moderate, at least they worked to make the Republican anti-abortion bill that the House passed more acceptable.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi felt that the Republicans had an ulterior motive for making this bill more palatable and was not at all impressed by what these women did but that’s okay.  At least it is a start.  Hopefully it is a start in the direction that will lead to meaningful compromise that will allow our country to move forward toward a more perfect union and grow in those areas where we desperately need it most right now; the areas of tolerance and understanding.

Don’t get me wrong, as a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat I am suspect of these seemingly forward-looking Republican women just like Minority Leader Pelosi is but no more so than they would be, especially lately, of a Democrat who acted as if they were interested in compromise and governance rather than partisan politics and gridlock.

To me, what these women did is refreshing and, at least for now, it appears that even though they are committed to holding on to their principles – which deserves our respect, they are still willing to work toward compromise in an effort to find common ground.  With all of the political posturing directed at voters in the name of ‘principle’ in order to justify the current gridlock in Washington that too, is refreshing.

Even if women are not the catalyst that will stimulate a more cerebral approach to governance and willingness to compromise, they still deserve greater representation in what has long appeared to be the good-ole-boy club that is the Senate… and I would even include the House.  Both Parties, especially the Grand Ole Party, could use more women in leadership and non-leadership positions.  I hope that this will happen.  I also hope that, as a result, governance will be infused with a fresh way of thinking and all of us will be better for it.

Eulus Dennis

Are Republicans Desperados Too?

Because of some of the recent executive orders that President Obama has issued the Republicans have labeled him as a lawless president.  While it may be true that he is working in some gray areas because the law is opaque and has not yet clearly and specifically stated that it is within his power to issue these executive orders, neither has it clearly and specifically stated that it is not within his power to issue them.  It is well documented that many presidents have issued executive orders.

But for whatever reason, it seems that President Obama is hated by the Republicans more than any other president in history.  There are many other presidents who have issued executive orders who have not been vilified in the way that this president has.  Why is that?  I will leave the answer to this question up to each reader.  But I still think that it will be interesting to take a closer look at these Republicans who have labeled President Obama as a desperado.

Let’s start with a few quotes from some of the accusers.  According to John Nichols’ blog, ‘House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan , R-Wisconsin, declared, “We have an increasingly lawless presidency where he is actually doing the job of Congress, writing new policies and new laws without going through Congress.  Presidents don’t write laws, Congress does.”

‘Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced’, “Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the president’s persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat.”

‘House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, accused the president of’ “feeding more distrust about whether he’s committed to the rule of law.”  ‘And Congressman Steve King, R-Iowa, said that when Obama told federal contractors how to treat their employees, the president had acted in an “unconstitutional” manner.’

According to Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, …”Presidents don’t write laws, Congress does.”  Well, let’s take a look at what Speaker John Boehner just did.  Speaker Boehner did not inform the administration ahead of time of his invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of congress.  According to a CNN article by Dana Bash, Speaker Boehner said “There is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president, last night, kind of papered over it, there needs to be a more serious conversation in America about how serious the threat is from radical Islamic jihadists and the threat posed by Iran.”


Speaker Boehner’s statement about Iran is interesting and maybe even worth debating in congress and writing a bill that encompasses that perspective and sending it to President Obama for his signature.  But congress does not determine foreign policy, the president does.  I wonder how Mr. Paul Ryan feels about what Speaker Boehner has done; I wonder if Speaker Boehner feels that he, himself, is “feeding more distrust about whether he’s committed to the rule of law.”

Since he disagreed with what President Obama is doing with regards to Iran, Speaker Boehner decided that he would go against his own president and pursue his own foreign policy agenda by inviting Mr. Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of congress without informing the White House or House Democrats.  He did this knowing that Mr. Netanyahu and President Obama are diametrically opposed with regards to how Iran should be handled politically.  He went against his own president!  Yet his spokesperson said that they trusted the judgment of Mr. Netanyahu.  Obviously Speaker Boehner does not trust the judgment of President Obama.

When we consider the accusations that Republicans have leveled against President Obama, if we juxtapose them on what Speaker Boehner has just done, with the knowledge of House Republicans, in trying to have congress write foreign policy – those are obviously his intensions in inviting Mr. Netanyahu to address a joint session of congress, does that make Republicans lawless too?  They may not be doing anything wrong but they are certainly operating in gray areas because the president is supposed to determine foreign policy for the United States; not Congress.

With all of the partisan politics that is too often played, sometimes it is very hard to determine if the leadership of our leaders is sincere and in our best interest.  When you look at politics now and see the things that our political leaders are being accused of and those who are being convicted of felonies, it is very discouraging.  It is hard to believe that these are people whom we have selected.  It is even harder to believe that those leaders – whom we have selected, as a conglomerate, continue to select those who have been indicted and/or convicted on felony charges as their leaders!  What is happening to us?

Until more voters decide to take their responsibility to vote more seriously, vote in elections other than presidential elections and hold those whom we elect accountable, the likelihood that things will change is low.  Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent you should decide right now that you will meet the challenge of your responsibility as an American voter.  When you do, things are more likely to get better.

Eulus Dennis