For Or Against Immigrants: An Analogy From A Homeowner’s Perspective

You like immigrants if you allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  No, wait.  You do not like immigrants if you do not allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.

No…, you like immigrants if you allow a reasonable amount of them (depending on your definition of reasonable) – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  Or…, maybe you like immigrants if you allow a few (depending on your definition of few) of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  Hmmm – let me think, …  Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country!

So, there is this big argument with one side saying, yeah, you like immigrants if you allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  There are others who are saying – yeah, you like immigrants if you allow a reasonable amount or few of them (again, depending on your definition of reasonable and few) – into America at our southern border.  Further, there are those who are somewhere in between these two arguments with various nuances on “all,” “reasonable,” and “few.”

And then… there is Trump, the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America; immigrants (of course, with his nuances on immigrants) are poising the blood of our country!  Maybe an analogy from a homeowner’s perspective would be beneficial here to provide some clarity and assist readers of this article to better determine where they stand or should stand on this issue; so, it follows:

I own my home and have long-time neighbors whom I do not know a lot about and they do not know a lot about me.  We have lived next door to one another for more than seven years but we are simply acquaintances.

One year during an extremely cold winter one of my neighbors, who has a month-to-month lease on a fully furnished home, decided that his landlord is gouging him by charging too much rent and being unfair in other ways as well.  As a result, he decided to leave.  He came to my home because while he has been my neighbor, he has noticed that my home is well-kept and I appear to have few if any problems.

He knocked on my door and when I answered, he gave me his story about what had occurred with his landlord and asked if he could stay with me.  He said that he is willing to carry his load with the mortgage, food, and all other expenses for as long as he stays with me.  I understand his situation so sympathize with him.  Since I did not mind having a roommate and the extra money would be a real plus for me, I agreed to let him stay but only if he agrees to abide by my rules.  He agreed so I made him aware of the rules.

1) Before you enter my home you must clean the mud and snow off the bottoms of your shoes using the doormat you are standing on.  He complied with my request.  2) I got a wet cloth and a dry one and handed them to him.  You must clean the tops and sides of your shoes with this wet cloth and dry them with this dry one.  He began to do as I asked him but amid doing so, he said it is extremely cold out here, can I come in and finish?

I told him that he must complete the task outside.  Instead of doing as I told him, he tried to force his way into my home.  I refused to let him in and there was some pushing and shoving that had a high potential of escalating.  Nonetheless, I assured him that I would do whatever was necessary to prevent him from entering my home without my permission, which would only be granted if he followed all my rules.  Fearing the potential consequences that could occur, he acquiesced.

In this analogy, my home represents America and my neighbor’s home represents any random country.  My neighbor’s landlord and his gouging represent the negative things that are occurring in these random countries.  I represent the American government and my neighbor represents immigrants.  The mortgage, food and all other expenses represent Americans’ responsibilities as citizens.  The extra money represents the contribution to America that current immigrants have made and that new immigrants can make.  My rules represent America’s laws and rules.

Based on that, the moral of this analogy/story is that immigrants are an essential part of the American fabric and Americans should recognize and appreciate that.  Americans must also recognize and acknowledge that immigrants have played an important role in America’s success since its founding and continue to play an important role now.  They are not poisoning the blood of our country!

However, there are rules that must be followed in allowing immigrants into America.  America cannot just stand by and allow those from other countries to come into America whenever and wherever they choose without abiding by her immigration rules.  Finally, when we do not let them in or deport them because they refuse to abide by America’s immigration rules, no matter what anyone thinks or says, we do not hate them.  We are simply demanding that they abide by America’s laws and rules just as we demand that all Americans abide by them… or face the consequences.

Considering the current immigration situation, this suggests that the American government must immediately address the issues at America’s southern border.  And as unfortunate as the situations are for those who are trying to enter there or anywhere else along her borders, the rules must be followed.  If they are not, our country will find herself in an untenable situation.  And if that is allowed to occur, neither current American citizens nor those who are trying to enter this country will benefit.  Immigrants who enter America must follow the rules and it is incumbent upon our elected officials at all levels to assure that this happens.

As things stand now, many states around the country are experiencing a large influx of immigrants into their major cities who have crossed America’s southern border and are in this country illegally.  This is putting a strain on the human, medical, and financial resources of these states and cities.  It is also angering many citizens and, therefore, creating a major problem for America’s elected officials and these immigrants.

Even those Americans who are supportive of immigrants are becoming concerned about the amount of them that are being allowed into the country and the rate at which they are being allowed into it.  Even if you disagree with the tactics that governors like Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbot of Texas are using in bussing or flying these illegal immigrants off to what they refer to as blue states or sanctuary states, it is reasonable to assume that you agree that they are forcing those states to feel what their states have been feeling for a long time.

Notwithstanding whether you agree or disagree with the tactics that various elected officials are using to mitigate America’s immigration conundrum, it is important that politicians find common ground to solve this problem and solve it quickly.  That common ground must be found within our current immigration laws and rules even if some tweaking must be done and adjustments must be made.

All political posturing must be set aside and this problem must be fixed!  Even if this 118th congress has been the most do-nothing congress of do-nothing congresses in the history of congress, they must come together and do something about America’s immigration problem.  It is imperative to the smooth operation of America’s immigration system and the smooth function of her overall society.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line