All posts by theblogman99

The Not So Supreme Court And Congress Are At It Again

Here we go again.  Once again, Republicans in the House and Senate are siding with Donald J. Trump.  But this time, not only is it Republican Representatives and Senators, it is the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and too many others in the American judicial system.  Although what Trump has done and continues to do is an existential threat to the American democracy, these Republicans are continuing to enable him.  It does not matter whether they are doing it out of loyalty to him, fear of him, or any other nefarious reason.  If they are not doing it based on anything other than the rule of law and to uphold the law, they are derelict of duty.

I can remember a key statement that Senator Mitch McConnell made after the senate elected for a second time to not convict Trump after he was impeached by the House.  He said that Trump was “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of [January 6, 2021].”  U.S. news provided the text of Senator McConnell’s remarks in its article titled “READ: McConnell Speech After Trump’s Impeachment Trial Acquittal.”  Excerpts from those remarks follow:

January 6 was a disgrace.

American citizens attacked their own government.  They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like.  Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police.  They stormed the Senate floor.  They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House.  They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.

They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he’d lost an election.

Former President Trump’s actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.

Let me put that to the side for one moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day…

Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally.

This was different.

This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by an outgoing president determined to either overturn the voters’ decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.

The unconscionable behavior did not end when the violence began…

Even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in danger, even as the mob carrying Trump banners was beating cops and breaching perimeters, the president sent a further tweet attacking his vice president…

In recent weeks, our ex-president’s associates have tried to use the 74 million Americans who voted to re-elect him as human shields against criticism.

Anyone who decries his awful behavior is accused of insulting millions of voters…

This body is not invited to act as the nation’s overarching moral tribunal…

We have no power to convict and disqualify a former officeholder who is now a private citizen.

Here is Article II, Section 4:

“The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” …

Article II, Section 4 must have force.  It tells us the president, vice president and civil officers may be impeached and convicted.  Donald Trump is no longer president…

In one light, it certainly does seem counterintuitive that an officeholder can elude Senate conviction by resignation or expiration of term.

But this just underscores that impeachment was never meant to be the final forum for American justice.

Impeachment, conviction, and removal are a specific intra-governmental safety valve.  It is not the criminal justice system, where individual accountability is the paramount goal.

Indeed, Justice Story specifically reminded that while former officials were not eligible for impeachment or conviction, they were – and this is extremely important – “still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice.”

Put anther (sic) way, in the language of today: President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn’t get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country.  We have civil litigation.  And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one…

To read the full content of Senator McConnell’s remarks, you can read the article in U.S. News titled “READ: McConnell Speech After Trump’s Impeachment Trial Acquittal” published on February 14, 2021.

Those excerpts are the things that Senator Mitch McConnell said then in his speech as the rationale for not convicting then president Donald J. Trump.  He said these things as the leader of his party and as their representative.  Now, silence by Republicans about Trump’s actions then and now is deafening!  Republicans have become complete cowards, are trembling in Trump’s shadow, and have completely acquiesced to him.  Their insatiable desire for power and desire to retain it once acquired, has trumped their oath of office even if it means that, to retain that power, America must become an autocracy.

The precarious situation that America is in right now does not seem to register with many Americans, or at least not with the 74 million who voted for Trump that Senator McConnell mentioned in his remarks.  It could be even more than this 74 million.  It is pure speculation on my part but it could be that it is because these Americans do not follow political news like the news media journalist, news pundits, and political geeks like me do.  So, in their hunger for change, being unaware of Trump’s true nature and what he is truly about, they base their reasons for potentially electing him again on incessant lies and soundbites by him, his campaign, and his Republican sycophants.

Finally, lower courts and the SCOTUS are playing a part in what Trump is doing to dismantle America.  Both the SCOTUS and some lower court judges, e.g. Judge Aileen Cannon, are slow-walking the trials – seemingly in an effort to assist Trump, that Trump is faced with.  This has led some in the news media, Attorneys who are following the Trump situation, and some political pundits to express concern about how the courts are handling these Trump trials and the Trump situation overall.

James Carville, Andrew Weissmann, and Charlie Sykes were among those expressing concern.  James Carville said “[the Supreme Court] got away with 2000 Bush v Gore; then Citizens United, Shelby County v Holder, and Dobbs.  Justice Alito took a trip to Alaska paid for by billionaires.  Justice Clarence Thomas [took gifts associated with] Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow.  This took place while Democrats were winning the popular vote in seven out of eight elections.  [The Supreme Court Justices] have no ethical standards and they do this because they can get away with it.  [The Supreme Court] will continue to do this because the public holds candlelight vigils and does polls showing disapproval ratings of [the Supreme Court].  The cavalry is not coming in; the courts and Jack Smith are not going to save you; you are going to have to do it on your own.  [The Republicans] play hard politics and [the Democrats and the public] are doing protest and holding candlelight vigils.”

Both Andrew Weissmann and Charlie Sykes simply said, “Nobody is coming to rescue us, it’s on us now.”

It is on us now and we must do it on our own.  Those of the American people who want to see America remain a democracy must do our part, no matter how small, to help educate those who have been mesmerized by the lies and soundbites of Trump and his Republican sycophants.  Hopefully, this will jolt them out of the stupor of their life in Trump’s America and enable us to assist them back to life in the true America.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube, and Living Between The Line

Bey Has Gone Country! Will This Cause Those Black Country Music Lovers In Hiding To Come Out?

Beyoncé (Bey) has gone country with two new singles, Texas Hold Em and Sixteen Carriages.  These singles are topping the country music charts and are sure to generate lots of new country music fans around the world including in Texas.  If those country music lovers in Texas – Black, White, and all hues in between who are in hiding come out, can Texas hold em?!  Can you, Texas?!

I posted an article to this blog back in February 2017 stating how I love country music, how I regularly pluck out a few country tunes on my ole guitar, and why I never attended a concert of any of my favorite country singers.  You can click on the link above if you would like to read that article.

I’m really hyped about seeing what impact Beyoncé’s new country music album, especially her two new country singles that she has already released, will have on country music overall.  I’m just as hyped about seeing how many Black country music lovers it will bring out of hiding; if there are any, because – don’t tell anybody I said this, I was in hiding for a while back in the early 1970s.

I was young then and wasn’t sure whether I wanted my buddies to know how much I liked, and regularly listened to, country music.  That was when I didn’t know better.  But since I learned better, which was a long time ago, I have tried to turn my friends and relatives on to it but I have had little success.  Some of those friends and relatives live in Texas.

I have even had less than “little success” when I have tried to get them to listen to me pluck out a few tunes on my ole (or new) guitar.  They all manage to find some polite reason not to listen or just stealthily remove themselves from the room.  To be fair, maybe those friends and relatives in Texas already liked country music and just did not want to listen to my version of it.

Either way, I can’t wait to see if there are any changes in their perspective toward country music since Bey burst onto the country scene.  My wife really likes Beyoncé but she did not need the Beyoncé nudge to listen to me play.  So, to be fair to her, she was not among those who would find a polite reason to not listen to me play or stealthily remove themselves from the room, at least most of the time she wasn’t, when I would throw down with a few of my favorite country tunes.  Just to be clear, I am sure that even if the remainder of these friends and relatives had a complete change of heart about country music because of Beyoncé, that does not mean that they would now be willing to listen to me pluck out a few tunes.

They will probably regret their polite excuses and stealthiness when I make it to the big time – like Beyoncé, and they ask for my autograph and I snub them.  But that is a different story for a different time.  However, before I leave this subject, I want to clearly state that the “they” mentioned above does not include my wife.  I don’t know why I felt the need to make that abundantly clear but I did.

Anyway, should any of these new-country-music-loving bumpkins (they are from the inner city and suburbs but it is fair to call them bumpkins) come running to me asking me to pluck out a few tunes for them once I have made it, I am going to really make them beg.  I am going to find release for all those years of them ducking out on me before I play for them.  Don’t tell them I said that, okay?  But like I said, that is a different story for a different time.

I think that Beyoncé is going to do a lot to attract new fans of all colors to the country music genre.  I will likely have to wait awhile to see how much impact it will have on the mindset of my relatives’ and friends’ attitude toward my ole (or new) guitar, me, and my plucking out tunes for them.  But when that time comes, remember what I just told you about how I am going to handle that situation.  Again – just as a polite reminder, don’t tell them I said that, okay?

I imagine that, just like in my post back in February 2017 that I provided you the link to, you are probably asking yourself; since this is a political blog, what does this article have to do with politics?  Well, it has to do with the same rationale that I gave you in that article.  You will have to read the article to get the rationale.  So, go ahead and read it; I believe that you will enjoy it and it will take your mind away from all the negative, stressful politics that Americans are currently faced with.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

Republicans Investigate Republicans. Republicans Investigate Democrats. Then They Wreak Havoc…Against Democrats

Democrats are soooooo concerned about appearing to be non-partisan in their politics that they allow Republicans to run roughshod over them.  Democrats have always been this way and they continue to be even though they are dealing with a completely transformed Republican Party led by Donald J. Trump.  This new Republican Party, based upon the way it is conducting itself, is arguably now the Anti-Democracy Party (ADP).

Yes, you read it right.  The old GOP could now well be the ADP.  Can you believe it?  Can you believe that most Republicans have circled the wagons around Trump and are supporting him despite the four legal cases and 91 counts that he is faced with?  Despite that he said that he would not defend a NATO ally if they were attacked and then encouraged Russia to attack them?  Under these circumstances, Democrats are the sole roadblock standing between Trump and his hellbent determination to turn America into an Autocratic country.

Do you remember what James Comey did to Hillary Clinton?  Do you remember how Former Attorney General Bill Barr handled the Mueller Report and how it impacted on the truth and the Democratic Party?  Do you remember how the appointment of Delaware United States Attorney David Weiss, who was appointed by Attorney General Merick Garland and later appointed Special Counsel in the case, to investigate Hunter Biden impacted the Democratic Party and continues to impact it?

Even if you do not remember any of these examples, surly you remember this recent one.  The one where Special Counsel Robert Hur – who was also appointed by Attorney General Garland, included negative, unnecessary personal opinion remarks about President Biden’s mental acuity in his final investigative report.  This report was on his investigation into classified documents that were found stored in President Biden’s garage.  According to some staunch conservatives, Special Counsel Hur broke long-held Department of Justice rules when he voiced his personal opinion of President Biden in this report.

Two attorneys who reviewed Special Counsel Hur’s report and summarized it with one of their own to make it more understandable to laypersons elicited the following comment from MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.  Every time that [Special Counsel Robert Hur] mentioned innocent or unintentional in his report he couched it in language that made it appear tongue-in-cheek or to mean the opposite.   The attorneys who summarized Special Counsel Hur’s report stated that the conclusion in his report to not prosecute President Biden made it appear that this was at his prosecutorial discretion when it was actually because he did not have a provable case.  They further said that all this information that brought Special Counsel Hur to arrive at this conclusion should have been stated at the beginning of the report even though it was dispersed throughout it.

Attorney General Garland could have instructed Special Counsel Hur to remove these unnecessary negative remarks but he did not.  Had he done it, there is no doubt that he would have received blowback from Republicans saying that his redactions were politically motivated.  All things considered, whether you believe that these things were done purposely by these individuals because they are all Republicans or it was simply happenstance is obviously up to you.  However – in my humble opinion and, in the vernacular, these things certainly look, walk, and talk like ducks; so…they must be ducks.

The bottom line?  These Trump-led Republicans have no shame.  Shame is not in their vocabulary so to them shame does not exist.  They know ahead of time that they will be ridiculed for their actions but they move forward with them anyway.  They do this because they know that once they have said the words they cannot be called back into their mouth; they know that once they have written and promulgated words, they cannot be unpublished; and in the end, it does not matter to them anyway because as Donald J. Trump Toadies, they know that they must win at all costs.  The end justifies the means, and these things are simply a conglomerate of means to ends until they achieve their goal.  Anytime that one goal is achieved, they focus their attention on the next one and continue to press forward.  The process is perpetual.

We Democrats know what Republicans are doing to us, yet our only response has been to wring our hands.  This lack of action has garnered negative comments from some Party members.  It is hard to hear some of the things that James Carvel and other Democrats are saying about the Democratic Party even though they are true.  Among the things that they are saying is that in some ways Democrats must become tougher, more hard-nosed, and partisan just like the Republicans.  They need to become less concerned about appearances, especially since the GOP is no longer the conservative Party that it once was but has now become the Trump-led GOP that seems to prefer autocracy over democracy.  Instead, they must become more concerned about using all the legal, nonviolent tools available to them to keep America a democracy.

The Republican Party’s primary priority is to maintain its power.  Based on how it has consistently conducted itself over the years, it is reasonable to conclude that they view Democrats’ determination to compromise and be as non-partisan as possible to govern as a weakness.  Accordingly, they regularly seek to exploit this supposed weakness anytime that it suits their Party’s purposes; it is viewed as simply a means to an end.

As if these domestic problems confronting President Biden and the Democratic Party were not enough of a distraction during this presidential election year, there are global problems which they must contend with as well.  All these problems are exacerbated by Republicans for political gain.  And to make matters worse while Democrats are trying to address these problems, Republicans are doing everything that they can to block any potential progress.  Republicans claim that they want to work with Democrats to govern but all the while they continue to stir this toxic domestic and global Republican brew to assure that as much turmoil as possible will remain in the public eye.

Republicans have proven time-and-again that they are not interested in governing and seriously seeking solutions; e.g., they rejected the bipartisan senate bill that Republicans requested and a bipartisan committee worked on for nearly four months, without even reading it.  This bill contained badly needed funding for Israel, Ukraine, and Tiawan.  The lack of funding for Ukraine has stifled Ukraine’s progress in their war against Russia – straining the American Ukrainian relationship, and the situation in Israel, with or without this funding that Republicans are blocking, has put President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at odds with one another.

Since this new Trump-led Republican Party is pro-Russia in this war, and because Prime Minister Netanyahu is more closely linked with these Republicans than he is with Democrats, he does not seem to be concerned that he is creating strong, negative backlash against President Biden for how he is handling the war in Gaza.  As a result, Republicans are happy to continue business as usual because it is good for Trump.  The way that Republicans are conducting themselves is not normal.  And that many Americans are supporting Trump even though he has said that he wants to be a dictator, believe that violence is acceptable to put him back in office and say that it is worth a civil war to achieve this is freighting.

Those Americans who want America to remain a democracy must wake up and realize how serious the situation is.  Trump is an expert at exploiting chaotic situations and using them to his advantage.  He has already demonstrated an uncanny ability to lull Americans to sleep while he works his Trumpian wizardry on them.  Reasonable Americans have been mesmerized by him and have become his toadies only to realize too late that he is exactly who he has shown them he is.

Some among these Americans, although they have been lulled to sleep, already know exactly who Trump is but have chosen to ally with him anyway.  This is because, out of the human instinct to survive, the impulse to acquiesce to the need to support the divisiveness buried deep within them demands that they submit to the acceptance of the hate of others if that is what survival demands.  Accordingly, all of this is driven by their fear, that is just below the surface within them, of the Trump-driven chaos and turmoil which implies that people of color are trying to take “their” country from them.  These Americans are terrified by the changing color of America from white to black and its various hues.

Wake up, America; so far, Trump is winning!  The verdict that Judge Engoron rendered yesterday, February 16, 2024, against Donald J. Trump was the first step toward Holding Trump accountable for the numerous unlawful acts he has committed.  Now it is our turn as voters to also hold him to account as a politician.  Using all the lawful, nonviolent tools available to us, we must do our part to keep America a democracy and assure that she remains great!  We must turn out and vote in the 2024 election and keep Trump out of the White House!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubi’s Cube and Living Between The Line

One Man, Without An Army, Declared War On America. And So Far, He Is Winning

Donald J. Trump, the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America – figuratively speaking, has declared war on America.  With the way that he has so adroitly manipulated the United States justice system into twisting itself into a complex, judicial pretzel and tying itself into knots is, well, amazing!  As of the writing of this article, he has successfully prevented three of the four cases against him from moving forward as scheduled without knowing when the current proceedings will continue or the scheduling of a new trial date.

But since Trump is the king of chaos and thrives in it, he is likely not so amazed by what he has done and is surprised and bemused as to why all the rest of America is so shocked by this feat.  Most of the mainstream media are saying things like although it is important that Trump is found innocent or guilty in one or more of the four cases he is faced with before Election Day in 2024, the courts do not run on political time.  It is no surprise that they and practically the entire federal government are putting a positive spin on things.

However, knowing whether Trump is a convicted felon before Election Day could be crucial in determining the election outcome.  Many Americans who at this point say that they will vote for him say they will not vote for him if he is convicted.  Based on what Trump has done and what he is saying that he will do if he is elected in 2024, it is arguable that he has not just figuratively but literally declared war on America.  He is an existential threat to the American democracy.

Trump is unlike any other man, in a negative way, that has held the title of the highest office in the land; President of the United States of America.  Trump has an affinity for all the strongmen in the world – especially the more powerful among them – and he seems to bask in his own erosive impact on the American democracy.  No, there are no tanks rolling down American streets followed by numerous American soldiers preparing to assure that his will shall be done in every part of the country…yet.

Although he regularly employs divisiveness, fear, hate, racism, and misogynistic language in his speechmaking, most of what he is doing to get elected as president again – though despicable, seems legal.  I say “seems legal” rather than “is legal” because I am not a lawyer and am simply expressing my opinion.  It is reasonable to say that Trump has already taken control of the Republican Party, is the leader and face of it and has turned them into the anti-democracy party.  They have become oblivious to political norms in governance and have basically refused to govern.

These lawmakers have abandoned their duty to fulfill their oath of office and have elected to follow Trump rather than do the business of the American people.  Trump has mesmerized all these Republican elected officials in Washington and around America and a large swath of Americans throughout the country.  Who is this person that has dubbed himself “the chosen one” and “perhaps the most honest person that God has ever created?”  Who is he, really?  The answer is painfully obvious since he has already shown everyone who he really is.  Everyone just has to believe him!

But the Republican elected officials and that “large swath” of Americans throughout the country do not believe him.  This is obvious because they have circled the wagons around him even though he has broken every American political norm, has flagrantly attacked the American democracy and continues to do so.  They look upon this as political baggage that is part-and-parcel to a means to an end and, therefore, must be acceptable.

I oftentimes hear in the media that what these Republican elected officials are doing is “good politics.”  Can watching America implode upon herself be good politics?!  Would someone in this media please define “politics” for the rest of America and explain to us what “good politics is?!  Can it really be distorting the truth, accepting all lies, and normalizing these things as long as they are coming from a politician and benefits them and/or their Party politically?!

American voters are exhausted and Trump and his sycophants know it.  They are waiting for these voters to admit defeat and just quit.  He and his sycophants are confident that voters will do this so they are emboldened.  They are saying all the despicable things out loud that the Trump-led Republican Party stands for.  It does not matter that many of these elected Republicans may be good American officials who just want to hold on to power at all cost with the intention of reverting to true conservativism when the time is right and then working to govern and make fair and reasonable change when that time is right.

It does not matter that many people among this large swath of Americans throughout the country may have this same kind of good intentions.  What truly matters is whether these “good American officials” and “large swath” of Americans throughout the country are for or against the American democracy.  If those in either of these two groups are against democracy then those Americans who are for democracy must be against them.

Trump, even without an army, has proven that he is a formidable adversary.  And he is an adversary if he is against the American democracy.  And if he is against democracy then he – like any of those in the previously mentioned two groups who are against democracy, must be held to account for that position.  And those Americans who are for democracy must be against him and resist him with every non-violent, legal weapon available to them.  American voters must not grow weary and quit.

Instead, they must be determined to see the 2024 election cycle through until the end.  They must refuse to quit and work even harder to defeat Trump, his sycophants and all of those who want America to become something other than the democracy that she is now.  And for those who believe, like Trump, that he is the better choice between President Joe Biden and himself, should he become the Republican nominee, and that it would be good to have a strongman run America; I implore you to educate yourself on the situation and not just via Fox News and only other conservative media.

The American democracy is at stake and will be on the 2024 ballot.  With so much at stake it is imperative that all voters expand their horizons and go beyond their normal methods of how they approach and consume news.  They must educate themselves to the greatest extent possible on the issues and political situation before they cast their ballot.  It is crucial that in 2024 they make their decision on who will be the United States president based on facts and not soundbites or the “D” or “R” that precedes the candidates’ name.

So always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube, and Living Between The Line

What Lies Ahead For America And Americans In 2024

Here we are on January 9, 2024.  Wow, have I witnessed some amazing changes in America and the world since I was born back in 19XX!  By the way, the “XX” does not represent the number 20, but I am sure that most of you already know that and accept that I simply prefer to demur – for personal reasons – on this age-related matter.

Although the “XX” does not represent the number 20 in the previously mentioned 19XX, not many of us hang around that long, I have been around for a while.  I have been around long enough to see the world make tremendous technological advances.  I have seen the world go from computers that were extremely large that could only be housed in very large rooms to computers that we can carry around with us.

I have seen times when very few people had telephones, which had to be connected to wires and therefore had to remain in one location – usually a business, home or in a telephone booth on a street corner, to times when almost every man, woman, and child has one; and they are now mobile, need no wires, and can fit into your pocket or purse.

I have witnessed a man set foot on the moon.  I have seen the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, the attempted assassination of a president; President Ronald Reagan, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I have even seen a Black man become president of the United States and a Black woman become vice president of the United States!

Throughout all those amazing years I never was one who, too often, made resolutions to begin the new year.  I don’t know about you, but I did not make any New Year resolutions this year either.  But before the new year began, I found myself thinking a lot about what America will be like in 2024 and whether by the end of November this year, she will still be a democracy.

I know that there are many things that I would like to work on to improve my life, my family’s life, and hopefully even have a positive impact on the lives of Americans and other people around the world.  I know that I can accomplish this even if I am successful at only one thing; helping to assure that America will remain a democracy.  If mentioning things I would like to work on to improve my life, my family’s lives and contribute to making the lives of others around the world better constitute resolutions, then I suppose I did make resolutions this year after all.

Anyway, I often find myself thinking again-and-again about things like 1) I would love to improve my life physically, mentally, and spiritually; how can I do that?  …Donald Trump and “The Big Lie;” will he be reelected and what impact will he continue to have on America?

2) What can I do to make things better for my family, help enhance their happiness and likelihood of their personal success and help make things better for my fellow Americans and others around the world?  …Donald Trump and “The Big Lie;” will he be reelected and what impact will he continue to have on America?

3) What do I need to do to move things that I have on the back burner, which seem to be right on the verge of success, to the front burner and onto the success side of the ledger?  …Donald Trump and “The Big Lie;” will he be reelected and what impact will he continue to have on America?… you get the gist of what is happening here.  Whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, Trump and the harm that he is doing to America is always on my mind.

I find myself thinking about all the Americans who have put their complete faith and trust in Trump even though he has shown them who he is.  I cannot help but to think, how can these people be so stupid!  Many, if not most, of these Americans are reasonable people whom, to the best of their ability, are fair-minded and care about the feelings and perspectives of other people.  They might despise the things that Trump has done and continues to do in his personal life but they love the policies – he has no actual polices of his own – that they envision he represents.

This combined with the divisiveness, hatred and fear he has so effectively cultivated and exploited in them, compels them to follow him and vote for him regardless of his despicable character.  In essence, these “many” or “most” Americans are just good Americans whom I oftentimes disagree with on political matters.  Under these circumstances, upon reflection, I think, perhaps I am being unfair in calling them stupid.

Although Trump is faced with multiple legal issues, he is continuing to hold onto “The Big Lie” and spout lies about the 2020 election and advance conspiracies as America moves toward the 2024 election.  He acts as if he does not have a care in the world while he defies court orders and breaks all the rules that would immediately land anyone else in jail.  He mocks the U.S. justice system and dares it to do anything about his outrageous antics.

This puts pressure on those, like Special Counsel Jack Smith, who are following the rules and no doubt adds to the stress that they are already under.  All of this is happening while with every opportunity he gets between court appearances and strategizing with his attorneys, Trump is egging his MAGA followers on by continuously feeding them the MAGA farce of making America great again by taking them back to the “good ole days.  Good ole days for who?!

The sooner these “many” or “most” Americans wake up and realize that Donald J. Trump –  this former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America, this want-to-be dictator, this man who called military men and women who served or currently serve their country losers and suckers, this man who did not want to go visit the graves of fallen soldiers because he did not want to get wet, this man who did not want to appear in public with wounded veterans because in his mind “it made him look bad,” this man who – to this day – continues to mock the late Senator John McCain, this man who regularly denigrates women and said that you can grab them by their p***y and they let you if you are a star, this man that said that General Mark Milley should be executed, this man…and the list goes on – only cares about Donald J. Trump the better off that they and the rest of America will be.

MAGA?  America does not need MAGA; she is already great!  And as for the “good ole days,” again, I say good ole days for who?!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

For Or Against Immigrants: An Analogy From A Homeowner’s Perspective

You like immigrants if you allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  No, wait.  You do not like immigrants if you do not allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.

No…, you like immigrants if you allow a reasonable amount of them (depending on your definition of reasonable) – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  Or…, maybe you like immigrants if you allow a few (depending on your definition of few) of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  Hmmm – let me think, …  Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country!

So, there is this big argument with one side saying, yeah, you like immigrants if you allow all of them – no matter where they are from, who they are, or what their background is – into America at our southern border.  There are others who are saying – yeah, you like immigrants if you allow a reasonable amount or few of them (again, depending on your definition of reasonable and few) – into America at our southern border.  Further, there are those who are somewhere in between these two arguments with various nuances on “all,” “reasonable,” and “few.”

And then… there is Trump, the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America; immigrants (of course, with his nuances on immigrants) are poising the blood of our country!  Maybe an analogy from a homeowner’s perspective would be beneficial here to provide some clarity and assist readers of this article to better determine where they stand or should stand on this issue; so, it follows:

I own my home and have long-time neighbors whom I do not know a lot about and they do not know a lot about me.  We have lived next door to one another for more than seven years but we are simply acquaintances.

One year during an extremely cold winter one of my neighbors, who has a month-to-month lease on a fully furnished home, decided that his landlord is gouging him by charging too much rent and being unfair in other ways as well.  As a result, he decided to leave.  He came to my home because while he has been my neighbor, he has noticed that my home is well-kept and I appear to have few if any problems.

He knocked on my door and when I answered, he gave me his story about what had occurred with his landlord and asked if he could stay with me.  He said that he is willing to carry his load with the mortgage, food, and all other expenses for as long as he stays with me.  I understand his situation so sympathize with him.  Since I did not mind having a roommate and the extra money would be a real plus for me, I agreed to let him stay but only if he agrees to abide by my rules.  He agreed so I made him aware of the rules.

1) Before you enter my home you must clean the mud and snow off the bottoms of your shoes using the doormat you are standing on.  He complied with my request.  2) I got a wet cloth and a dry one and handed them to him.  You must clean the tops and sides of your shoes with this wet cloth and dry them with this dry one.  He began to do as I asked him but amid doing so, he said it is extremely cold out here, can I come in and finish?

I told him that he must complete the task outside.  Instead of doing as I told him, he tried to force his way into my home.  I refused to let him in and there was some pushing and shoving that had a high potential of escalating.  Nonetheless, I assured him that I would do whatever was necessary to prevent him from entering my home without my permission, which would only be granted if he followed all my rules.  Fearing the potential consequences that could occur, he acquiesced.

In this analogy, my home represents America and my neighbor’s home represents any random country.  My neighbor’s landlord and his gouging represent the negative things that are occurring in these random countries.  I represent the American government and my neighbor represents immigrants.  The mortgage, food and all other expenses represent Americans’ responsibilities as citizens.  The extra money represents the contribution to America that current immigrants have made and that new immigrants can make.  My rules represent America’s laws and rules.

Based on that, the moral of this analogy/story is that immigrants are an essential part of the American fabric and Americans should recognize and appreciate that.  Americans must also recognize and acknowledge that immigrants have played an important role in America’s success since its founding and continue to play an important role now.  They are not poisoning the blood of our country!

However, there are rules that must be followed in allowing immigrants into America.  America cannot just stand by and allow those from other countries to come into America whenever and wherever they choose without abiding by her immigration rules.  Finally, when we do not let them in or deport them because they refuse to abide by America’s immigration rules, no matter what anyone thinks or says, we do not hate them.  We are simply demanding that they abide by America’s laws and rules just as we demand that all Americans abide by them… or face the consequences.

Considering the current immigration situation, this suggests that the American government must immediately address the issues at America’s southern border.  And as unfortunate as the situations are for those who are trying to enter there or anywhere else along her borders, the rules must be followed.  If they are not, our country will find herself in an untenable situation.  And if that is allowed to occur, neither current American citizens nor those who are trying to enter this country will benefit.  Immigrants who enter America must follow the rules and it is incumbent upon our elected officials at all levels to assure that this happens.

As things stand now, many states around the country are experiencing a large influx of immigrants into their major cities who have crossed America’s southern border and are in this country illegally.  This is putting a strain on the human, medical, and financial resources of these states and cities.  It is also angering many citizens and, therefore, creating a major problem for America’s elected officials and these immigrants.

Even those Americans who are supportive of immigrants are becoming concerned about the amount of them that are being allowed into the country and the rate at which they are being allowed into it.  Even if you disagree with the tactics that governors like Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbot of Texas are using in bussing or flying these illegal immigrants off to what they refer to as blue states or sanctuary states, it is reasonable to assume that you agree that they are forcing those states to feel what their states have been feeling for a long time.

Notwithstanding whether you agree or disagree with the tactics that various elected officials are using to mitigate America’s immigration conundrum, it is important that politicians find common ground to solve this problem and solve it quickly.  That common ground must be found within our current immigration laws and rules even if some tweaking must be done and adjustments must be made.

All political posturing must be set aside and this problem must be fixed!  Even if this 118th congress has been the most do-nothing congress of do-nothing congresses in the history of congress, they must come together and do something about America’s immigration problem.  It is imperative to the smooth operation of America’s immigration system and the smooth function of her overall society.

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

The SCOTUS Is Buckling Under The Weight Of The Trump Formula

The presidential and post-presidential era of Donald J. Trump impacted on every facet of the United States government.  Among the components that it impacted is the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS).  It impacted the SCOTUS in such a way that Americans can no longer depend on the SCOTUS to make decisions on cases based solely upon the law.

Instead, it appears that some SCOTUS justices make their decisions based on, what I will coin and refer to as the Trump Formula: and it is buckling under its weight.  The Trump Formula is; D = CLT2.  In this formula, D is decision, C is case, L is law, and T is Trump; that is, Decision = Case x Law x Trump squared.  And no decision can be made without giving full consideration and weight to Donald J. Trump’s opinion of what a right or wrong decision is and then increasing that consideration and weight exponentially.

Figuratively speaking, the pillars that support the high standards of the SCOTUS, this once great and highly esteemed institution, are being strained to the edge of collapse due in great part to the Trump Formula and Trump’s influence on the SCOTUS itself.  Not only that, but the foundation of the SCOTUS is replete with cracks and out-of-place pieces that have been chipped away during this presidential and post-presidential era of want-to-be dictator, Donald J. Trump.

Trump has said publicly that if reelected “I would be a dictator…but only for a day.”  Any American who believes the “but only for a day” part of this quote needs to take a closer look at Trump’s record; a more appropriate word in his case might be jacket.  Jacket is the term that is very often used when law enforcement is referring to a criminal’s record.  Yet, while all this is happening, this current Republican party – which is now the party of Trump, continues to support Trump and is doing absolutely nothing to prevent the demise of a key component of the foundation of the American government.

No American should ever want any facet of the American government to fail: And most of us do not.  Unfortunately, there are some Americans who do want it to fail and they are working hard trying to assure that it will.  Many of these Americans are elected officials and many of these elected officials are Donald J. Trump sycophants.  It does not matter to them that Trump is a want-to-be dictator or whether he becomes one.  What matters to them is that his policies and what he does to shape America are in line with their way of thinking.  It appears that if they are then he will have their full support.

This situation is among the key reasons why it is so important that Americans need the SCOTUS to operate based on those high principles and standards that existed prior to the presidential and post-presential era of Trump and make their decisions based upon the law and not the Trump Formula.  Let me be clear, the reason why it is so urgent right now for the SCOTUS to return to these high principles and standards is because it is highly possible that it will play a part in Trump’s plan.

The first trial that Trump will likely face is currently scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024.  Trump has claimed complete immunity to all charges because, at the time that the things that he is accused of doing occurred, he was the Donald J. Trump of the United States of America.  Judge Tanya Chutkan, the presiding judge in this trial has denied Trump’s claim.  True to form, Trump has filed an appeal and that requires that all proceedings be stopped until he receives a decision on that appeal.  Enter the SCOTUS.

As a result of Trump’s appeal, Special Counsel Jack Smith has asked the SCOTUS to bypass the appellate court and take this case on immediately.  This would save time and help to maintain the integrity of the March 4, 2024 trial date.  The obvious problem here is a SCOTUS that has lost the trust of the American people: will they rule based upon the law or based upon the Trump Formula?  Remember the ruling that overturned Roe vs. Wade?!

There was a time before the presidential and post-presidential era of Trump that the answer to this Trump Formula question would have been obvious; of course, the SCOTUS would rule based upon the law.  However, under these current circumstances where Trump has an outsized influence on American politics and the SCOTUS, the answer to this question is not a given.  And since it appears that the SCOTUS will agree to accept Special Counsel Jack Smith’s request to bypass the appellate court, expedite their consideration of a ruling on Trump’s appeal and immediately render their decision, the SCOTUS’s potential decision will determine whether Trump’s plan is successful.

What is Trump’s plan?  Anyone who is accustom to regularly executing their civic responsibility of voting – even if they do not follow politics closely, knows by now Trump’s situation.  If they have done the slightest bit of research, they also know Trump’s reputation so know that he is a prolific liar, been sued numerous times and typically tends to drag out litigation to a point that is favorable to him so that he is able to win, and thus, survive.

Drag out the litigation process; that is Trump’s plan and that is what he is trying to do right now to survive the five indictments and 91 criminal charges that he is faced with.  He is trying to hold on until he becomes the Republican 2024 presidential nominee and then, possibly be reelected The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America.  If he is reelected, after that he will have much more power and much greater influence to mitigate these indictments and charges or simply make them disappear.

There is still a strong chance that Donald J. Trump could be reelected and once again be The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America.  If American voters do not step back real soon, see the big picture, and realize the grave mistake that they will be making if they put Trump back into office, there is an extremely high chance that America will not remain a democracy.  As voters, we hold the power to stop Trump, this want-to-be dictator, from achieving his goal to become America’s first dictator.

As responsible voters who want to keep America a democracy, we have an obligation to get involved now and stay involved until we can help to assure by any legal and peaceful means necessary, that neither Trump nor any of his sycophants who, like him, want to destroy democracy, will become president.  So always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line


Trump And The Media: How It Covers Him And How That Hurts America

There are those in the media who have labeled Donald Trump as a – fill in as many blanks as you would like that you can recall that have been publicly stated – stupid prolific liar.  And the media are not the only ones who have relished in heaping these labels upon him.  Likely most other Americans who are not loyal Trump sycophants, MAGA folks and or supportive evangelicals have used these labels as well when referring to him.

This could be due to pure frustration with America’s inability to effectively deal with this one man who is a clear and present danger to democracy.  Or, it could be because he has forced virtually all Republican politicians and all America’s most powerful men to bend the knee to him.  Both these things would have been completely unthinkable before the presidential era of Trump.  Or, it could be out of pure frustration with Trump’s seeming ability to defy all stress-related factors that apply to normal human beings: Normal human beings who – when they have been cornered and found to be lying, conniving, cheating crooks – cannot help but to confess their wrongdoing.

When Trump is cornered like this and all but endless evidence points to the fact that he is the culprit, like a new and yet unstoppable virus, he engulfs and consumes this evidence and grows stronger.  Then, he adds more lies to the lies that he has already told and the media responds by giving him more coverage because it sells.  They are overwhelmed by their profit motive to the point that it overrides their principal responsibilities to the public.  Possibly, this motive is so demanding to these organizations that it even overrides the moral and principle responsibilities they espouse.  Money is indeed king!

Trump likely loathes all these demeaning names but, secretly, delights in the “stupid” label.  He likes it because while everyone is destressing and, at least to some degree, relieving their frustrations by denigrating him, this “stupid” label is allowing him the freedom and more time to implement and carryout his dastardly deeds.  Trump certainly does not believe that he is stupid – after all, he has a big brain (according to him), consults with himself to make critical decisions and has been labeled a genius by Russian president Vladimir Putin; again, according to him.

And, while whether Trump is stupid is arguable, he certainly is not stupid when it comes to chaos.  He thrives in it!  He outshines everyone!  So, the situation that America is in right now is his home turf.  While the rest of America is flailing and trying to decide what to do in these unprecedented circumstances, Trump is staying the course, sailing along smoothly, and piling more lies on top of those that he has already told.  And the media continues to cover him…and them.  This hurts America and helps Trump.  He is well aware of the fact that, although the media does its best to fact check him, he can lie exponentially while the media can only fact check arithmetically.

All three branches of government are unsure of how to handle Trump and what he is doing to further confuse the American public and confuse these three branches of government, testing their limits.  So far, he must be ecstatic about the results.  The judicial branch, which is essential to help assure that every component of the foundation of the American government operates at its optimum, is especially worth watching at this point because, as a result of what certainly must be their concern and confusion in treading these unprecedented situations, they are allowing Trump to get away with virtual murder.  They are not treating him under the law like they would treat any other American citizen, they are treating him differently. They are treating him special; as if everyone is not equal under the law.

To say that it is a challenge for these branches of government to deal with Trump under the existing circumstances is an understatement; he is the former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America.  This is a constitutional crisis and no one in any of these branches wants to deal with the situation.  They especially do not want to be the first to deal with it.  But it must be dealt with.  It must be dealt with in a timely fashion and sure-handed manner because there is too much chaos and too many Americans are confused.  To address the situation while displaying uncertainty will only hurt America and help Trump.  This is exactly what Trump wants; chaos and uncertainty is his home turf.

Our government must settle on the right way to deal with Trump and the media must figure out a way to cover him effectively and fairly without abandoning the moral and principle standards that they espouse.  America needs a strong two-party system of government to operate at the governments optimum.  However, for this two-party system to be effective in America, the politicians in both parties must operate based on reasonable moral and principle standards.  And above all, these politicians must be pro-democracy.  They cannot be antidemocracy, openly or covertly, if they are to be meaningful, elected officials who take seriously their oath of office and want to truly represent their constituents, the American people.

We, the American people, are responsible for electing the politicians to office and removing them from office when they do not measure up to America’s high democratic standards.  Further, the politicians that we elect are responsible for placing the judges and justices at the highest levels of our judicial system in place.  If we take our civic responsibility as voters seriously and, to the best of our ability, elect politicians who meet America’s high democratic standards to office, we will not only have elected politicians with high standards but – as a result, have judges and justices who are not just politicians in black robes.

So always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis, author – M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

SCOTUS Politicians In Black Robes Day Of Reckoning Approaches

Well, can you believe it?  The SCOTUS finally succumbed to the great pressure from the public – and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, to establish and abide by a code of ethics.  Or did they?  With the way that they wrote this thing up, it is hard to determine whether the final document is a code of ethics or just a surprise grab-bag of suggestions for this not-so-Supreme Court of justices to take their minds of all of us little people continuously bugging them about this – based on the first paragraph of their proposed code of ethics, “non-issue.”

You have got to check out the opening paragraph of this baby!  This document is a 15-page masterpiece that opens by trying to convince all of us, the American people, that this Supreme Court no code of ethics thing is all just a big “misunderstanding [by the American people] that the justices of this court, unlike all other jurists in this country, regard themselves as unrestricted by ethics rules.”  Wow!

But that’s not all that the SCOTUS did to cushion the impact to their ego that the public wants them to have a code of ethics just like all the other U.S. courts do.  Not only do they just toss this surprise grab-bag of things that they call a code of conduct out there to cushion the impact to their egos, after all, they are the Supreme Court of the United States, but they fail to establish and articulate any means as to how this “code of conduct” will be enforced.

Once again, wow!  If it appears that I am being unfair and hard on the SCOTUS, I will agree with you that I am being hard on it but I will not agree that I am being unfair.  I will not go into any detail regarding why I am not being unfair other than to say that all the other courts in the United States have a code of ethics and a means of enforcing it so why shouldn’t the highest court in the land have one…and a means of enforcing it?

Indulge me while I mention briefly a few things that some of our SCOTUS justices have done that have raised eyebrows that would likely be subject to review based on the code of ethics if they happened in the lower courts.  Since Justice Clarence Thomas, so far, has been found to be the greatest offender among these justices I will list his offenses first.

According to public reports, 1. GOP megadonor Harlan Crow paid Justice Thomas’ grandnephews tuition and Justice Thomas failed to disclose it.  2. Justice Thomas has received luxury trips nearly every year from a conservative Texas billionaire without disclosing them.  3. Justice Thomas repeatedly claimed income from a real estate company that no longer exists.  4. Justice Thomas received payments from conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo.  5. Justice Thomas refused to recuse from a January 6 case that related to his wife’s role in the insurrection.

As are all other SCOTUS justices – they, along with Justice Thomas are associated with the scandal involving the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.  As regards other specific GOP Justices and scandals involving their possible misbehavior, Justice Samuel Alito is involved with scandals most of which are like those of Justice Clarence Thomas’ that involve travel and other gifts from GOP billionaires.  Neil Gorsuch’s sale of a property to the head of a law firm is also among the recent scandals plaguing the SCOTUS.  This list of problems that the SCOTUS currently has that effects its trustworthiness by the American people is by no means exhaustive.

This situation with the SCOTUS is exacerbated by the fact that the Republican party is now the party of Trump and is completely controlled by him.  All the Republican elected officials are afraid of him so have become subservient to him.  The few, like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who were willing to stand up to him have been unceremoniously removed from representing the Republican party as elected officials even if they chose to remain a part of it.  The situation with the SCOTUS is exacerbated by this because the Court has a supermajority of conservatives, three of whom Trump nominated, whom also seem to be willing to do his will.

With two branches of the American government, the judicial and legislative branches, being, at best, reluctant to stand up to Trump and, at worst, unwilling to stand up to him, that leaves only the executive branch and the American people.  This means that it is imperative that all eligible voters make sure that our voices are heard.

It means that the executive branch and those few Republicans in the legislative branch who can summon the courage to do so must join with all the Democrats there and educate the American public as to Trumps exact intensions.  He has stated them openly and without equivocation: He will transform America from a democracy to an Autocracy.  We need all the one-issue voters, especially young people, to understand this because the American democracy is at stake; the American democracy is on the ballot!

Without elected Republican officials who are willing to stand up to Trump and do the right thing and with a SCOTUS that is either reluctant or unwilling to stand up to him, America is in a precarious dilemma.  President Joe Biden is exactly who America needs right now.  Americans need only to look at his accomplishments for our country even under these current dire and challenging circumstances.  He has the experience and acumen that America requires at this time.  He should not be shunned and cast aside because of his age or the gaffes that might be associated with it.

Americans will be able to argue about President Biden’s policies and any other issues we might have and pressure our elected officials to pressure him to make any changes after he is reelected.  If Trump is elected again, this option will not be available concerning any of his policies.  He will make the ultimate decisions regarding policies and the direction that America will take.

Staying at home and not voting because you do not like either presidential candidate that is available to you is not only irresponsible, but it is a vote for Trump.  Be sure to vote no matter your method of choice!  And always remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis – author, M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line

The Demise Of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Republicans have proven unequivocally that the Republican Party cannot govern and, therefore, should not be trusted with power.  From the time that Kevin McCarthy was voted Speaker of the House, after fourteen humiliating failures and finally being handed the gavel on the fifteenth try, the House has been caught up in a downward spiral.  To make matters worse, on the way to get the 218 votes he needed by the fifteenth try, he had bargained away almost all the power of the speakership.  Although he was obviously thrilled to be handed the gavel and crowned with the title Speaker of the House, this gavel and title carried virtually no power.

In his at-all-costs quest to secure the Speaker’s gavel, Congressman McCarthy had bargained away the previously mentioned speakership power to a small group of far rightwing Republicans who appeared to be more interested in their personal agendas than in effective governance.  To gain the Speaker’s gavel, Congressman McCarthy agreed through his bargaining that a “motion to vacate” could be brought by a single congress member rather than the requirement that it be brought by a caucus or conference.

Shortly after Congressman McCarthy became speaker, these far-right wing members began to demand that he fulfill the promises that he had made to them even though they were at odds with what most of the Republican conference wanted:  Let the show begin.  While the government was barreling toward a shutdown if, at the very least House Republicans and Democrats could not agree on a stop-gap measure to give them more time to agree on a long-term deal, most Republicans refused to agree to this.

Some Republicans insisted on a deal that would include no funding for Ukraine.  Others wanted a deal where funding for Ukraine would be okay but the deal would have to include funding for the border wall.  The contemptuous little group of far-rightwing Republicans would not accept the deal unless, among other things, an impeachment inquiry was opened into President Joe Biden.  As for the demands of the true overall Republican Party leader, Donald J. Trump, his mantra was “…UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN!”  Because Speaker McCarthy could not unify his conference to pass a stop-gap measure, called a continuing resolution (CR), to prevent a government shutdown, he turned to the Democrats to help him pass it.

Although this worked, the previously mentioned contemptuous little group of far-rightwing Republicans was furious.  This prompted Representative Matt Gaetz to threaten to oust Speaker McCarthy from the speakership by introducing a motion to vacate.  It was not like this was the first time that Representative gates had threatened to do this so Speaker McCarthy responded with “bring it.”  Representative Gaetz brought it and responded to Speaker McCarthy’s invitation to “bring it” with “just did.”  The motion passed, a vote was held – and exactly 269 days after congressman McCarthy became Speaker, he was voted out of the job.  Mr. McCarthy had come full circle in the job that he had so much coveted.  He was once again just congressman McCarthy.

So here we are.  Hamas has attacked Israel and hundreds if not thousands of Israelis have died.  And, hundreds of Palestinians have also died or been wounded.  To make matters even worse, some Americans have died and others have been taken hostage.  In the meantime, the House of Representatives does not have a Speaker so the United States is flailing trying to figure out, not only how to help Ukraine but how to help our closest ally, Israel and what should be done about the Americans who died and those that were taken hostage.

Republicans are now in the process of holding meetings to decide on a new Speaker.  They are holding these meetings in private in an effort to avoid a debacle on the House floor like the one that occurred when they elected Kevin McCarthy.  Based on what has transpired in the Republican conference up to this point, a quick selection of a new Speaker will be a daunting task.  After what Republicans have shown you as regards their ability to govern, do you think that they can be trusted with power?!

No one knows for certain what will happen with the wars in Israel and Ukraine.  But all of us know that America must make reasonable, well-informed decisions about them and that America should do what is in our mutual best interest with our allies and other struggling democracies.  All of us know that America must have a functional government to do this and that she cannot do it with a dysfunctional one.

All of us have seen how the Republican Party functions under their chosen leader, Donald J. Trump, and Americans must believe them.  We must believe them because they have boldly and proudly shown all Americans who they are.  And it will be catastrophic if we do not believe them because polls show that Republicans have chosen Donald J. Trump – this twice impeached, four times indicted, disgraced former The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America with 91 counts against him, to be their 2024 presidential nominee.

And Trump has already told America and the world what he will do to his domestic enemies if he becomes The Donald J. Trump of the United States of America again.  Further, all inferences indicate that if he is returned to office, this time it will be for life.

Think about it!  And as you think about it, know that your vote has the potential to prevent Trump from returning to office; and that one vote could be the one that will make that difference.  So, we must not grow weary and faint now; instead, we must be even more determined to do what we can to help get out the vote and be sure to vote ourselves.  And all the while that you are doing this you should always remember that your vote is the most important one of all…unless you don’t use it!

Eulus Dennis, author – M2: Street Cop To Top Cop, Operation Rubik’s Cube and Living Between The Line